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St Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

St. Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Sand Law LLC

EXPERIENCED MINNESOTA MOTORCYCLE CRASH ATTORNEYS According to the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists get in fewer accidents than cars. However, unlike auto accidents, motorcycle accidents are much more dangerous. In fact, motorcycle wrecks are 26 times more likely to cause death. This is why motorcycle safety is such a major part of the legal process involved with… Read more »

Permanently Disabled from a Car Accident in Minnesota

Permanently Disabled from a Car Accident Minnesota lawsuit injury claim attorney

Recovering Compensation for Disabling Car Accident Injuries Every year, tens of thousands of people die from car-related accidents in Minnesota and all over the United States according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. While each of those deaths is tragic, permanent disability resulting from a Minnesota car accident can cause nearly equal pain and… Read more »

Motor vehicle accidents involving commercial vehicles

Motor vehicle accidents involving commercial vehicles lawsuit claim attorney Minnesota injury

Minnesota Truck and Other Commercial Vehicle Accidents According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) 3,986 people were killed in crashes involving large trucks in 2016. Additionally, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, approximately 83,000 people were injured in accidents with large trucks. Unfortunately, these numbers have been trending higher since 2009. In fact,… Read more »

Injured By A Dog In Minnesota Lawyer

Minnesota Dog Bite Injury claim Lawsuit attorney

Minnesota Dog Bite Injury Claims While we love our pets and they bring us wonderful companionship, it is important to remember that many animals are capable of inflicting severe injuries in certain situations. Pet owners have a responsibility to ensure that their animals are managed in a way so that they do not harm others…. Read more »

Minnesota Dog Bite Lawsuits

Minnesota dog injury lawsuit claim attorney

Seeking Compensation for a Minnesota Dog Bite Injury Dog bite injuries are common in Minnesota and they occur in many different situations. Often dogs bite people in the home of a friend, relative, or acquaintance. Dog bite injuries may also occur in public areas where dogs are legally allowed to be off-leash, such as a… Read more »

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries claim attorney lawsuit minnesota

Minnesota Car Accidents Millions of Americans are injured in traffic accidents each year. In Minnesota alone, there are more than two hundred crashes on an average day resulting in dozens of injuries. In addition to incurring billions of dollars in costs for hospitalization, surgery, chiropractic care, and other medical treatment, injured people may lose the… Read more »

Winter Motor Vehicle Accidents

Minnesota winter road conditions are infamously dangerous. Low visibility, less daylight, snow, slush, and ice combine to form hazardous conditions. However, poor road conditions do not excuse a driver’s duty to exercise due care and reasonable caution when operating a vehicle. Drivers who end up in an accident because of negligence or a failure to… Read more »

Minnesota Bicycle Accident Lawsuits & How They Work

bike accident on road - MINNESOTA BICYCLE ACCIDENT LAWSUITS & HOW THEY WORK - sand law llc

Cars & trucks are bigger than bicycles, it’s that simple. When a motor vehicle and a bicycle are involved in an accident, the injuries and damage sustained to the bicyclist are almost always much more severe than any damage there may have been to the vehicle. For this reason, it is important to know your… Read more »

What To Know About Minnesota Dog Bite Lawsuits

What To Know About Minnesota Dog Bite Lawsuits - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Dog Bite Personal Injury Attorney

A dog bite can cause serious and sometimes permanent damage. When this is the case, a lawsuit may be necessary to compensate for damages caused by a dog bite. Millions of people are injured by dog bites in the United States every year, with a majority of victims being children. Injuries caused by dog bites… Read more »

What are common defenses to dog bite cases in Minnesota?

What are common defenses to dog bite cases in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Dog Bite Attorney

Sand Law LLC has seen many dog bite cases. Here are the the most common defenses we’ve come across. Minnesota is a “strict liability” state when it comes to dog bites. However, that does not mean that a defendant or their insurance company will lay down without a fight. The three most commonly raised defenses… Read more »