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Winter Slip-and-Fall Injuries in Minnesota

Winter Slip and Fall Injuries Minnesota lawsuit claim attorney

Minnesota Winter Slip and Fall Injury Claims Slip-and-fall injuries are some of the most common grounds for premises liability claims in Minnesota. The legal theory of premises liability is that the owners and operators of a property need to exercise a reasonable amount of care to ensure that the property is safe for the people… Read more »

Damages in Minnesota Personal Injury Cases

what are damages in a minnesota personal injury case - sand law llc

What are “damages” in a Minnesota personal injury case? Obtaining fair compensation (“damages”) for personal injuries in Minnesota can be difficult. Every case is different and each person has different treatment and recovery needs. The Minnesota Supreme Court has stated that “there is no fixed standard by which damages for personal injuries can be determined.”… Read more »

Minneapolis and St. Paul Sidewalk Shoveling Laws

Minneapolis & St. Paul Sidewalk Shoveling Laws - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Local ordinances across Minnesota require property owners to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks to prevent slips and falls. In St. Paul, snow and ice must be removed within 24 hours (St. Paul City Ordinance Chapters 113-114). In Minneapolis, there are different requirements for single-family homes/duplexes and commercial properties like apartments and businesses. Houses… Read more »

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability - Sand Law LLC - Winter Premises Liability Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Minnesota winters complicate many things, including premises liability caused by slips and falls. Winter weather has arrived in the Twin Cities. Every year, Minnesota sees an increase in injuries and accidents when the snow starts falling and temperatures drop below freezing. One of the most common causes of winter weather injuries are stairways or entryways… Read more »

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Premises Liability Personal Injury Attorney

Premises not maintained can pose a slip-and-fall or other personal injury risk. Each year many people are injured because of inadequate maintenance or the failure to make repairs. Especially in Minnesota, seemingly minor problems can quickly create dangerous conditions. One of the most common causes of injuries during Minnesota winters is falling on ice. Walkway… Read more »

“Notice Requirement” Defense For Minnesota Slip & Fall Cases

Understanding the "Notice Requirement" Defense for Minnesota Slip and Fall Cases - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Slip and Fall Personal Injury Attorney

What are common defenses used in Minnesota slip and fall cases? To hold a party liable for injuries related to a slip and fall, it is often necessary for the Plaintiff to show that the at-fault party knew, or should have known, of the dangerous condition. This “notice requirement” is a commonly used defense in… Read more »

How To Evaluate What A Personal Injury Case Is Worth In Minnesota

How to Evaluate What a Personal Injury Case is Worth in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

What is my case worth? This is the most common question I get from prospective clients. As lawyers, we learn two words in law school that continue to echo through our day to day practice: “It depends.” Understandably, the phrase “it depends” is not the most comforting or reassuring term. That being said, the more… Read more »

Common Defenses in Slip, Trip, and Fall Cases

minnesota slip and fall common defenses - sand law llc

When someone is injured by a slip and fall or trip and fall, they may be eligible for compensation for their injuries. As a slip, trip and fall case proceeds towards litigation the defendant or their insurance company is likely to raise several defenses. These defenses are an attempt to prove that they are not… Read more »

When is a Landowner Responsible for a Slip or Trip and Fall?

When is a landowner responsible for a slip or trip and fall - sand law llc

When initiating a lawsuit one of the first steps is to identify who the responsible party is. This can be especially difficult in cases involving a trip and fall or slip and fall at a business. This can become even more difficult when the building is occupied by a different person or entity (tenant) then… Read more »