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St Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

St. Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Sand Law LLC

EXPERIENCED MINNESOTA MOTORCYCLE CRASH ATTORNEYS According to the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists get in fewer accidents than cars. However, unlike auto accidents, motorcycle accidents are much more dangerous. In fact, motorcycle wrecks are 26 times more likely to cause death. This is why motorcycle safety is such a major part of the legal process involved with… Read more »

Permanently Disabled from a Car Accident in Minnesota

Permanently Disabled from a Car Accident Minnesota lawsuit injury claim attorney

Recovering Compensation for Disabling Car Accident Injuries Every year, tens of thousands of people die from car-related accidents in Minnesota and all over the United States according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. While each of those deaths is tragic, permanent disability resulting from a Minnesota car accident can cause nearly equal pain and… Read more »

Breakdown of Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics

A Statistical Breakdown of Motor Vehicle Accidents in Minnesota - sand law llc

Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics The amount of car accidents that occur each year in Minnesota is staggering. The most recent “Comprehensive Annual Traffic Crash Data Report” offered by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety is from the year 2015. Below we’ll break down Minnesota motor vehicle accident statistics. According to DPS, there were 74,772… Read more »

Winter Slip-and-Fall Injuries in Minnesota

Winter Slip and Fall Injuries Minnesota lawsuit claim attorney

Minnesota Winter Slip and Fall Injury Claims Slip-and-fall injuries are some of the most common grounds for premises liability claims in Minnesota. The legal theory of premises liability is that the owners and operators of a property need to exercise a reasonable amount of care to ensure that the property is safe for the people… Read more »

Winter Motor Vehicle Accidents

Minnesota winter road conditions are infamously dangerous. Low visibility, less daylight, snow, slush, and ice combine to form hazardous conditions. However, poor road conditions do not excuse a driver’s duty to exercise due care and reasonable caution when operating a vehicle. Drivers who end up in an accident because of negligence or a failure to… Read more »

Minnesota Bicycle Accident Lawsuits & How They Work

bike accident on road - MINNESOTA BICYCLE ACCIDENT LAWSUITS & HOW THEY WORK - sand law llc

Cars & trucks are bigger than bicycles, it’s that simple. When a motor vehicle and a bicycle are involved in an accident, the injuries and damage sustained to the bicyclist are almost always much more severe than any damage there may have been to the vehicle. For this reason, it is important to know your… Read more »

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability - Sand Law LLC - Winter Premises Liability Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Minnesota winters complicate many things, including premises liability caused by slips and falls. Winter weather has arrived in the Twin Cities. Every year, Minnesota sees an increase in injuries and accidents when the snow starts falling and temperatures drop below freezing. One of the most common causes of winter weather injuries are stairways or entryways… Read more »

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Premises Liability Personal Injury Attorney

Premises not maintained can pose a slip-and-fall or other personal injury risk. Each year many people are injured because of inadequate maintenance or the failure to make repairs. Especially in Minnesota, seemingly minor problems can quickly create dangerous conditions. One of the most common causes of injuries during Minnesota winters is falling on ice. Walkway… Read more »

How To Evaluate What A Personal Injury Case Is Worth In Minnesota

How to Evaluate What a Personal Injury Case is Worth in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

What is my case worth? This is the most common question I get from prospective clients. As lawyers, we learn two words in law school that continue to echo through our day to day practice: “It depends.” Understandably, the phrase “it depends” is not the most comforting or reassuring term. That being said, the more… Read more »

What to Do After a Hit and Run Car Accident in Minnesota

What to Do After a Hit and Run Car Accident in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul White Bear Lake Woodbury Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

The legal definition of a hit and run car accident is one in which one driver hits another with his or her vehicle and then flees the scene. Hitting a pedestrian, a fixed object, or a parked car and not stopping to render aid or leave contact information also falls under the category of a… Read more »