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When is a Landowner Responsible for a Slip or Trip and Fall?

When is a landowner responsible for a slip or trip and fall - sand law llc

When initiating a lawsuit one of the first steps is to identify who the responsible party is. This can be especially difficult in cases involving a trip and fall or slip and fall at a business. This can become even more difficult when the building is occupied by a different person or entity (tenant) then… Read more »

How to Bring a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Minnesota

Candle Burning - Minnesota Wrongful Death Attorneys - Sand Law LLC

On the night of September 26, 2003, 23-year old Brian Frazier stopped his car near a railway crossing in Anoka. Suddenly, without warning, a BNSF train came barreling down the tracks. The train struck Frazier’s car. Frazier and his 3 passengers were killed instantly. BNSF extended its condolences to all four families. But for those… Read more »

10 Common Questions In Minnesota Wrongful Death Cases

10 COMMON QUESTIONS in Minnesota Wrongful death lawsuit - sand law llc

A Minnesota wrongful death claim is a case fraught with emotion. Persons involved are usually filled with questions. Many may be intimate or will elicit emotions a person would prefer to manage in private. With that in mind, providing answers to the most common questions regarding such cases allows an individual to probe this legal… Read more »

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The Saint Paul personal injury attorneys at Sand Law can be reached online at or on the phone at 651-291-7263.