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Car Accident In Minnesota? What You Need to Know

what you need to know after a minnesota car accident - sand law llc

Car Accident Advice from a St. Paul Car Accident Lawyer Car accidents are as American as apple pie, and in 2008 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimated that about 5.8 million police-reported traffic accidents occurred throughout the country’s roads. That same year, AAA reported that car accidents alone cost Americans about $164.2 billion every… Read more »

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries claim attorney lawsuit minnesota

Minnesota Car Accidents Millions of Americans are injured in traffic accidents each year. In Minnesota alone, there are more than two hundred crashes on an average day resulting in dozens of injuries. In addition to incurring billions of dollars in costs for hospitalization, surgery, chiropractic care, and other medical treatment, injured people may lose the… Read more »

Winter Motor Vehicle Accidents

Minnesota winter road conditions are infamously dangerous. Low visibility, less daylight, snow, slush, and ice combine to form hazardous conditions. However, poor road conditions do not excuse a driver’s duty to exercise due care and reasonable caution when operating a vehicle. Drivers who end up in an accident because of negligence or a failure to… Read more »

Minnesota Bicycle Accident Lawsuits & How They Work

bike accident on road - MINNESOTA BICYCLE ACCIDENT LAWSUITS & HOW THEY WORK - sand law llc

Cars & trucks are bigger than bicycles, it’s that simple. When a motor vehicle and a bicycle are involved in an accident, the injuries and damage sustained to the bicyclist are almost always much more severe than any damage there may have been to the vehicle. For this reason, it is important to know your… Read more »

What To Know About Minnesota Dog Bite Lawsuits

What To Know About Minnesota Dog Bite Lawsuits - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Dog Bite Personal Injury Attorney

A dog bite can cause serious and sometimes permanent damage. When this is the case, a lawsuit may be necessary to compensate for damages caused by a dog bite. Millions of people are injured by dog bites in the United States every year, with a majority of victims being children. Injuries caused by dog bites… Read more »

What are common defenses to dog bite cases in Minnesota?

What are common defenses to dog bite cases in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Dog Bite Attorney

Sand Law LLC has seen many dog bite cases. Here are the the most common defenses we’ve come across. Minnesota is a “strict liability” state when it comes to dog bites. However, that does not mean that a defendant or their insurance company will lay down without a fight. The three most commonly raised defenses… Read more »

Minneapolis and St. Paul Sidewalk Shoveling Laws

Minneapolis & St. Paul Sidewalk Shoveling Laws - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Local ordinances across Minnesota require property owners to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks to prevent slips and falls. In St. Paul, snow and ice must be removed within 24 hours (St. Paul City Ordinance Chapters 113-114). In Minneapolis, there are different requirements for single-family homes/duplexes and commercial properties like apartments and businesses. Houses… Read more »

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability

Minnesota Winter Premises Liability - Sand Law LLC - Winter Premises Liability Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Minnesota winters complicate many things, including premises liability caused by slips and falls. Winter weather has arrived in the Twin Cities. Every year, Minnesota sees an increase in injuries and accidents when the snow starts falling and temperatures drop below freezing. One of the most common causes of winter weather injuries are stairways or entryways… Read more »

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota

The Importance of Property Maintenance in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Premises Liability Personal Injury Attorney

Premises not maintained can pose a slip-and-fall or other personal injury risk. Each year many people are injured because of inadequate maintenance or the failure to make repairs. Especially in Minnesota, seemingly minor problems can quickly create dangerous conditions. One of the most common causes of injuries during Minnesota winters is falling on ice. Walkway… Read more »

Minnesota Daycare Abuse and Injury Lawsuits

Minnesota Daycare Abuse and Injury Lawsuits - Sand Law LLC

Minnesota daycares are required to keep your children safe. Finding a trustworthy daycare provider to protect your child’s wellbeing is a difficult process, even in the best of cases. Unfortunately, even a carefully chosen and properly licensed providers can violate this trust. There are many moving parts in a daycare injury or abuse case. Dealing… Read more »