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When is a Landowner Responsible for a Slip or Trip and Fall?

When is a landowner responsible for a slip or trip and fall - sand law llc

When initiating a lawsuit one of the first steps is to identify who the responsible party is. This can be especially difficult in cases involving a trip and fall or slip and fall at a business. This can become even more difficult when the building is occupied by a different person or entity (tenant) then… Read more »

Injured In A Motorcycle Accident? We Can Help

We have all seen the famed bumper sticker “Start Seeing Motorcycles.”  However, for some reason, this message still has not resonated with a significant number of drivers on our roads and highways.  Throughout Minnesota, there have been at least 1,000 motorcycle crashes per year consistently since 1997.  Motorcycle accidents are inherently more dangerous those only… Read more »