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Minnesota Workers Compensation Attorneys

Minnesota worker with a back injury on a construction site eligible for workers compensation benefits

Understanding workers’ compensation insurance is crucial for businesses and workers across Minnesota. As an employer, it’s essential to understand that providing workers’ compensation coverage is not just a legal requirement. In reality, it is a vital safety net for employees who suffer work-related injuries.

This insurance ensures that injured workers receive the necessary support and benefits during their recovery. At Sand Law LLC, our dedicated team of Minnesota workers’ compensation attorneys regularly guides injured workers through the process.

With extensive experience throughout Minnesota, we specialize in securing full benefits for our clients. Whether you’re just beginning your claim or have encountered frustrating obstacles like denials, delays, or premature cutoffs, we are here to help.

Our firm offers the expertise and understanding needed to successfully navigate the workers’ compensation system. We will prioritize your rights and your recovery at every step. Call us at (651) 362-4173 or submit a contact form to schedule a free consultation with our team. Let us be your advocate in achieving the fair treatment and compensation you deserve.

Minnesota Workers Compensation Laws

Under the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act, it’s mandatory for all employers to either secure workers’ compensation insurance. Alternatively, they can opt for self-insurance. This requirement is known as “mandatory coverage.”

Typically, employers are those who engage individuals to provide services. Employees are those hired to perform these services, including minors and non-citizens.

Who Needs Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

In Minnesota, businesses with even a single employee, including part-time staff, are typically obligated to have workers’ compensation insurance. There are a few exceptions. For example, domestic workers earning under $1,000 over three months, certain family member employment scenarios, and specific agricultural roles may be excluded.

Additionally, business owners, like some corporate officers, LLC members,  and sole proprietors, are not mandated to have this coverage for themselves.

Who Oversees Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

In the state of Minnesota, the Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) is the main authority responsible for managing workers’ compensation claims. The majority of regulations governing workers’ comp insurance are found in the Workers’ Compensation Act, detailed in Chapter 176 of the Minnesota Statutes.

Additionally, Chapter 5520 of the Minnesota Administrative Rules provides further guidelines on workers’ compensation within the state.

Workers’ Compensation Explained

Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system that ensures employees receive benefits if they incur injuries connected to their job duties while simultaneously minimizing employer liability. For Minnesota employees, their workers’ compensation checklist must only demonstrate that their job responsibilities significantly contributed to their injury or need for medical care.

Within this legal framework, employees are not required to prove that their employer was negligent to obtain compensation. Additionally, employers cannot claim employee negligence as a defense against a claim.

Work-related injuries encompass a wide range of conditions, including those caused, worsened, or worsened by job-related activities. This covers not only sudden injuries and repetitive strains but also occupational illnesses. It also covers certain mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Minnesota nurse holding her neck in pain could seek workers compensation benefits if it is related to her job

What Benefits Can You Claim Through Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is designed to provide a financial safety net for employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses. This system offers several types of benefits to assist workers during their recovery period and beyond.

Your Minnesota worker’s compensation lawyer at Sand Law LLC can help you recover benefits by filing a workers’ compensation claim. These include medical benefits, wage-loss benefits, and vocational rehabilitation benefits.

Wage-Loss Benefits

Wage-loss benefits are crucial in helping injured workers maintain financial stability when they cannot work due to their injuries. Before wage-loss benefits kick in, there is often a mandatory waiting period.

Workers’ compensation wage-loss claims are initiated after you have missed work for three consecutive calendar days due to your disability. However, if your inability to work extends to ten calendar days or more, compensation will cover the entire period of missed work, including those initial three days.

Workers’ comp wage-loss benefits are categorized into several types:

  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD): This benefit applies when an employee is completely unable to work for a temporary period due to their injury. TTD benefits compensate for two-thirds of the worker’s lost wages until they can return to work or reach maximum medical improvement.
  • Temporary Partial Disability (TPD): When an injured employee can return to work but with reduced hours or responsibilities, TPD benefits cover two-thirds of the difference between the employee’s pre-injury wages and their current earnings.
  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD): If an injury results in a complete and permanent inability to work, PTD benefits provide long-term financial support, often for the rest of the employee’s life.
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD): PPD benefits are awarded when an employee sustains a permanent injury that partially impairs their ability to work. Compensation is typically based on the severity and impact of the injury on the worker’s earning capacity.
  • Dependency Benefits: In unfortunate cases where a work-related injury leads to the death of an employee, dependency benefits provide financial assistance to the deceased worker’s dependents, such as their spouse and children.

To ensure that employees’ benefits remain fair and adequate over time, some jurisdictions adjust benefits annually to reflect changes in the cost of living.

Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Workers Compensation Wage-Loss Benefits

In Minnesota, workers eligible for workers’ compensation benefits due to temporary partial disability, temporary total disability,  permanent total disability, and dependency claims can receive annual increases in their weekly benefits throughout the duration of their claims.

The timing and amount of these increases depend on the date the injury occurred. For injuries occurring between October 1, 1995, and September 30, 2013, cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) are applied on the fourth anniversary of the injury.

In contrast, for injuries happening on or after October 1, 2013, these adjustments are made on the third anniversary. The specific percentage increase applied to these benefits is determined by the conditions prevailing at the time of the adjustment.

Medical Benefits

Medical benefits under workers’ compensation cover the cost of necessary and reasonable medical treatment related to the work injury. This includes doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and rehabilitation services.

The goal is to ensure that the injured worker receives the medical care they need. That way, they can recover and return to work as soon as possible.

Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits

Vocational rehabilitation benefits assist employees who are unable to return to their previous jobs due to their injuries. These benefits provide services such as career counseling, job retraining, and job placement assistance to help injured workers find new employment opportunities that accommodate their medical restrictions.

Vocational rehabilitation aims to equip workers with the skills and resources they need to transition smoothly into a new role. Ideally, this minimizes the long-term impact of their injury on their careers.

Why Choose Sand Law LLC Workers Compensation Lawyers?

Dealing with workers’ compensation claims can be a daunting task. Selecting the right legal representation can significantly impact the outcome of your case in terms of benefits.

Sand Law LLC offers a team of dedicated Minnesota personal injury lawyers ready to guide you through every step of the process. Our team will provide support and expertise to help you secure the best possible results.

Expertise and Knowledge

Our team possesses deep knowledge and extensive experience in handling workers’ compensation cases. Our expertise enables us to understand the intricacies of Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws, ensuring that your case is managed with precision and skill.

We stay abreast of the latest legal developments and strategies, providing you with the most informed and effective representation.

Personalized Approach

Every workers’ compensation claim is unique, and Sand Law LLC recognizes the importance of a tailored approach. Our Minnesota workers’ compensation lawyers take the time to understand your specific circumstances. Then, we craft a strategy that aligns with your individual needs and goals.

By focusing on personalized service, we offer your case the attention it deserves, maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Commitment to Client Success

At Sand Law LLC, client success is our ultimate priority. Our Minnesota workers’ compensation attorneys are committed to fighting vigorously for your rights, from securing medical benefits to negotiating settlements.

We work tirelessly to alleviate the stress of legal proceedings, allowing you to focus on your recovery. With a compassionate and client-centered approach, Sand Law LLC strives to achieve the best results for you and your family.

Proven Track Record

Our clients benefit from our proven track record of successful case outcomes. With dedication and meticulous preparation, we have achieved numerous favorable verdicts and settlements. This history of success not only demonstrates our capability but also instills confidence that your case is in capable hands.

Book Your Free Case Evaluation With Our Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Today

Sand Law LLC, is a renowned Minnesota personal injury law firm that prides itself on having a team of dedicated workers’ compensation attorneys who are committed to advocating for your rights.

With a focus on achieving the best outcomes for our clients, Sand Law LLC provides the expertise and personalized attention needed to navigate the complexities of your case. Whether you’re facing a challenging claim or need guidance on potential legal actions, our experienced team is ready to assist you with your Minnesota workplace accident claim.

Don’t wait to secure the compensation and support you deserve. Call us today at (651) 362-4173 or submit this contact form to schedule your free case evaluation appointment and take the first step toward resolving your workers’ compensation concerns.