Where You Injured In A Bicycle Accident In Minneapolis And Need Compensation?
Bicycle accidents can be terrifying, leaving you with serious injuries and a mountain of debt. With car accidents, you have a protective layer of metal surrounding you (a curse and a blessing), but with a bicycle accident, you’re much more vulnerable. The only protection cyclists often utilize is a helmet, and even then, your body is still extremely at risk of injury. If you’re looking to learn more about how to file a lawsuit for your bicycle accident, and how to receive compensation for your injuries, keep reading.
In 2018 alone, there were 857 cyclists killed in traffic accidents in the United States. Additionally, 2% of all motor vehicle crash deaths are cyclists. In a majority of these cases, the most serious of injuries are to the head, including traumatic brain injuries. This only highlights the importance of wearing a helmet, but sometimes a helmet isn’t enough to protect the brain from a serious impact. Bicycle deaths are also common in children, as many kids begin riding bikes unsupervised in their early teen years.
Overall, bicycle accidents are on the decline, however, fatal accidents are on the incline. This means that while there are fewer accidents occurring, a larger majority of them are resulting in death because factors like unsafe drivers and poor city planning.
If you were involved in a bicycle accident in Minneapolis, contact the experienced attorneys at Sand Law today for a free consultation.
[Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents on the Rise due to COVID-19]
Minnesota Bicycle Laws

There are a few key laws that cyclists are required to follow when riding in Minnesota. Cyclists must ride as far to the right side of the road as is physically possible to avoid interaction with vehicles. They must also ride with traffic, and not against it. When a cyclist signals a turn, they must use an arm signal 100 feet before turning.
When riding in a group, cyclists are allowed to ride in twos, but no more than that. This means that two cyclists may ride next to each other, but any more than two must follow behind. Cyclists are also required to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
These laws are meant to keep cyclists and vehicle drivers safe while on the roads. Obeying the laws, both as a cyclists and driver, can help to keep everyone safe in Minneapolis.
Process of Filing a Bicycle Accident Claim
Understanding how a bicycle accident claim works can help you to understand how your claim may work. At the scene of the accident, it’s important to gather as much information as you can. If you’re seriously injured, medical attention is the most important task on your list, and you should get checked out as soon as possible. If you’re able to gather the following evidence:
- The at-fault parties information (contact information and insurance information).
- Pictures of the scene from multiple different angles.
- Pictures of your injuries, your bicycle, and the at-fault vehicle.
- Statements or contact information from any witnesses.
- Your own statement for personal use, to help remember any details you may forget later.
Make sure that you receive medical attention as soon as possible. Make sure to let the doctor know that your injuries were caused because of a motor vehicle accident. Follow any treatment that they recommend and make sure to record your visits and keep your track of your bills as they come to you.
After receiving medical treatment, you’ll then want to contact a bicycle accident attorney to argue your case. They’ll begin an investigation your accident to gather evidence for your case. They’ll also help you file a claim with your insurance company and to contact the driver’s insurance company to let them know you are being represented by an attorney.
Your attorney will then begin the process of negotiation with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement. This process can often go back and forth as the insurance company tries to lowball the case. In the rare instance that a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will prepare your case for trial where a jury will decide what compensation will be awarded. This situation is not common but sometimes it is necessary to get the compensation you deserve. A personal injury attorney will help you to make sure that every opportunity for full compensation is explored.
Common Causes of a Minneapolis Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle accidents are commonly caused by driver negligence, whether it be because the driver isn’t paying attention or because they’re driving carelessly. Bicycle accidents most often occur because of:
- Distracted driving
- Speeding
- Driving too close to cyclist
- Lane merging without properly looking
- Unsafe driving in parking lots
- Careless left turns
Common Injuries from a Minneapolis Bicycle Accidents
Injuries from bicycle accidents are often more severe–or even fatal–when compared to car accident injuries because of the lack of protection that a cyclist has. Common bicycle accident injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Spinal cord injuries
- Neck and Back Injuries
- Eye trauma
- Dental fractures
- Contusions
- Fractured bones
- Dislocation
- Muscle Strains
- Road rash
- Broken bones and bruises
Receiving Compensation for Your Bicycle Injury
Compensation is probably something that’s been on your mind since your accident occurred. An experienced attorney can help you recover the maximum amount of compensation available for your case. This will help take the weight off of your shoulders and allow you to focus on your recovery instead of worrying about your financial burden.
You can receive compensation for economic damages like medical bills (including hospital visits, surgery costs, therapy, and more), any wages you may have lost while you were out of work, and any wages you may lose in the future. You can also receive compensation for any in-home care you may have needed, like child care.
Non-economic damages are harder to attach a number to, as they vary depending on the individual person and their accident. When deciding this number, the judge and jury (or during negotiation) your life before and after the accident will be considered. The greater the change in quality of life, the greater the amount awarded for pain and suffering will be. You can also receive compensation for loss of companionship and loss of earning capacity.
Contact An Experienced Bicycle Accident Attorney In Minneapolis
If you or someone you love has been injured in a bicycle accident in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the experienced attorneys here at Sand Law are ready to help you with your case. We’ll negotiate with reluctant insurance companies on your behalf, and allow you to recover from your injuries while we work on your case. For more information or a free case evaluation, contact us online or at 651-291-7263.
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