Common Nursing Home Neglect And Abuse Red Flags
Nursing homes have an obligation to their residents to provide an environment that is safe and free of hazards. The elderly residents entrusted into their care are especially vulnerable and in need of assistance in almost every aspect of their lives at times. These facilities often do their best to provide the standard of care expected of them but there are many that create environments where an elderly resident can suffer an injury from either neglect or even direct abuse.
The decision to seek the assistance of an elder care facility isn’t easy but it is often necessary. This time in an elderly person’s life often requires round the clock assistance or something as simple as bathing can result in broken bones or worse. Searching for the right care facility is no easy task. When looking for the right care facility, there are several red flags that can indicate that an elder care facility like a nursing home may not be providing the expected level of care.
Restrictive Nursing Home Visiting Hours
Nursing homes should always be transparent when it comes to the care of their residents. When they impose especially restrictive visiting hours, that can be considered a red flag. Residents of nursing homes should always be able to receive visitors. When a nursing home places restrictions on visitation hours, there should be a concern as to why they should feel that a resident should not be allowed to see loved ones. Access to
High Noise Levels On The Nursing Home
When a nursing home exhibits high noise levels it can indicate a level of chaos that should not be the norm in a facility dedicated to assisting the elderly. A heavy amount of noise means that there is a lack of tranquility as well as a disturbance that a good nursing home would typically not exhibit. Elderly residents of nursing homes need a level of peace that can be easily shattered by constant paging and general noise. Residents that suffer from conditions like dementia are particularly agitated by an abundance of noise.
Lack Of Nursing Home Staff
Nursing home staff should be a consistent presence in a facility dedicated to caring for the elderly. A lack of staff experienced in a nursing home is a significant red flag. A lack of staff in a nursing home could mean that the facility may be suffering from understaffing. When a nursing home is understaffed then that means a myriad of problems can occur. Generally, understaffing creates an environment where neglect and injury are significantly more likely to occur.
A lack of supervision means that residents can suffer injuries by attempting things they shouldn’t or wandering off. It also means that certain staff could feel empowered to do things they should not like neglect their duties as caregivers or even directly abuse those under their care. Understaffing is actually one of the largest problems facing most nursing homes today since there is a heavy amount of turnover when it comes to disgruntled and stressed staff members.
Lack Of Activities For Nursing Home Residents
Options for nursing home residents across the board is essential. Activities should be not only available but varied to appeal to the many tastes of residents. Not only activities should be varied. Things like meals and housing should have several options to help break up the monotony and help residents feel more comfortable in their stay. A lack of options can indicate that a nursing homes budget restricts their abilities to ensure that residents have varied experiences that will keep them sane and happy.
Cleanliness Of A Nursing Home
It is surprising how many nursing homes neglect to do something as simple as keeping their premises as sanitary as expected. Something as simple as sanitation can carry serious consequences when neglected. When nursing homes have particularly strong odors, buildups of dust or dirt, and stains in carpets and upholstery then that should be a red flag that there may not be the level of sanitation that there should be.
The elderly are particularly susceptible to many avenues of illness and lack of sanitation provides an opportunity for the elderly residents of nursing homes to suffer from otherwise avoidable illnesses. Elderly residents of nursing homes may already be suffering from severe medical conditions and a lack of cleanliness of a facility may cause complications like infections.
Types Of Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse is an issue that these red flags can indicate will have a greater chance of occurring. Nursing home residents will typically suffer abuse that can fall into one of the four following categories.
- Nursing Home Physical Abuse
- Nursing Home Sexual Abuse
- Nursing Home Financial Abuse
- Nursing Home Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Contact Experienced Minnesota Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys
If you or a loved one have experienced neglect or abuse while under the care of a nursing home or similar elder care facility, then do not hesitate to contact Sand Law about a free consultation on your possible claim. Our skilled lawyers will sit down with you to lay out your options for legal action and how they can use their expertise to secure you the settlement that you deserve.
With the lawyers of Sand Law as your representation, you can be sure that you have a law firm that can back up their claims with a long list of successful cases. The damages you suffered should not go uncompensated. Hire Sand Law as your representation in your pursuit to hold those responsible for your injuries accountable for their negligence.
Contact Sand Law about a possible personal injury claim and how we can assist you in seeking compensation for your injuries. Your primary concern should be recovery and we understand that balancing that with an injury claim can be difficult. Allow us to represent you and help secure a settlement you are comfortable with while you heal.
Sand Law LLC
7650 Currell Blvd #3140
Woodbury, MN 55125
St. Paul Nursing Home and Medical Negligence
The trial lawyers at Sand Law, LLC, are ready, willing & able to fight for your rights and get justice for nursing home and medical negligence. If you have a loved one in a nursing home who may be the victim of abuse, call us today. Free Consultations. 651-571-4125