Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries They Cause

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Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries They Cause

Any kind of accident involving a vehicle can obviously result in a life-changing injury. Not only will a victim suffer from a physical perspective, they will also oftentimes suffer severe emotional and mental trauma as well. There are different types of vehicle accidents, and certain types tend to lead to certain kinds of injuries.

If you’ve been hurt because another driver was negligent, you may be able to obtain a significant amount of compensation. Schedule a free consultation with Sand Law to learn more. You can give us a call at 651-291-7263, or you can contact us online to get in touch.

Types Of Motor Vehicle Accidents And Resulting Injuries

If you’re ever involved in a vehicle collision, you’ll need to get medical help immediately – even if you don’t think you’ve been hurt. The reason you feel that way is you’re running on an incredible amount of adrenaline. Once that wears off, you’ll probably realize you’ve been hurt much worse than you think.

The following is a look at some of the injuries most closely associated with specific kinds of wrecks.

Car Accidents

You probably haven’t given a whole lot of thought to the different kinds of vehicle collisions that occur, and the accidents that can result. Here’s some information on some of the more common wrecks, and the injuries that typically occur.

  • Side-Swipe Accidents. This is where the side of one car makes contact with another going the same direction. Injuries from the initial impact aren’t usually that severe, but side-swipes usually startle drivers to the point they lose control of their vehicle. They can slam into other vehicles as a result, leading to broken bones, neck injuries, and more.
  • T-Bone and Head-on Collisions. These are incredibly dangerous, since they typically lead to violent collisions. T-bone accidents usually happen at intersections, as one car plows into another. The two vehicles form a “T” afterward, hence the name. Head-on collisions are quite possibly the worst, since both vehicles are usually going at a high rate of speed. Not only can both kinds of accidents lead to severe head injuries, they are often fatal.
  • Rear-end Crash. A rear-end collision typically involves one car slamming into another, with the second car usually stopped or barely moving. The most common injury is whiplash, because the victim’s neck snaps violently back and forth after impact. This can result in severe neck damage that leads to years of excruciating pain. Serious back injuries can also occur.

Commercial Truck Accidents

If someone is fortunate enough to even survive a collision with a huge commercial truck, they will very likely be left with severe injuries. Rollovers and jackknife accidents, for example, can be particularly devastating.

  • Rollovers. If a truck rolls over on its side, motorists traveling behind will often not be able to stop in time, and plow into the truck at full speed. This can lead to debilitating head trauma that will often make it impossible to perform even the most basic of everyday tasks.
  • Jackknife Accidents. This happens when the trailer of a semi-truck swings around, creating a shape much like a jackknife when it’s opened. Like a rollover, this can often result in multiple vehicles plowing into the truck. Spinal cord injuries are very common in jackknife accidents, as are head and internal injuries.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are particularly dangerous compared to other kinds of motor vehicle accidents. Motorcyclists are incredibly vulnerable, even if they’re wearing a helmet and other protective gear. They will often suffer terrible leg injuries, such as broken bones, that can sometimes lead to months of debilitation.

Riders are also at a high risk of road rash. When they’re knocked off a bike, their bodies will typically skid across an asphalt highway. Road rash can tear off multiple layers of skin, which will require extensive surgery to repair. It can also increase the risk of a potentially fatal infection.

Pedestrian Accidents

Truck accidents often result in horrible injuries because trucks are so much larger than passenger cars. The truck will hit the car with far more force than would another car, so the damage is much worse.

The same principle can be applied to pedestrian accidents. When a car hits someone out for a walk, the victim will almost always be hurt to the point where they’ll never be the same – if they are able to survive. Common pedestrian accident injuries include soft tissue damage, including torn muscles and damage to internal organs.

Dealing With A Severe Injury After A Motor Vehicle Accident

Suffering a horrible injury will require a great deal of adjustment to a victim’s daily routine. If an injury is bad enough, permanent accommodations may have to be made. People who are severely hurt will have to learn, for instance, to ask for help doing things that were once second nature. This includes showering or bathing, preparing meals, and possibly even eating. As you might expect, this can lead to not only extreme stress, but also a great deal of frustration.

How Do Severe Injuries Affect Personal Injury Compensation?

The worse an injury, the more extensive the treatment that will be needed. Terrible injuries will often require not only extended hospital stays, but also multiple surgical procedures. The more extensive the treatment, the more it will cost – these costs can quickly reach astronomical heights.

Severe injuries almost always result in a victim having to miss work for weeks, months or even years – if they’re able to return to work at all. This not only leads to lost wages, but potentially lost future earning capacity as well.

Contact An Experienced Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney

So, how do you go about getting the compensation you deserve for the medical bills you’ve accumulated, as well as the wages you’ve lost? You hire a skilled personal injury attorney as soon as possible. You’re going to need hard evidence that you weren’t to blame for the injury that hurt you. An attorney will provide the best – and only – chance to get every penny you have coming.

The attorneys with Sand Law are ready to provide the effective, aggressive legal representation you’ll need to obtain full and fair compensation. Give us a call at 651-291-7263 or use our online contact form to schedule a free review of your case.