Distracted Driving Comes in Many Forms and Can Cause Serious Injuries

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Distracted Driving Comes in Many Forms and Can Cause Serious Injuries

Even though more states and cities are trying to develop tools to fight distracted driving, the problem remains. Thousands of people across the country die every year because motorists continue to use their phones or are distracted in other ways. If you’ve suffered an injury due to a distracted driver, an attorney with Sand Law can help you obtain maximum compensation.

We’ll work hard to prove you weren’t to blame and that the other motorist’s negligent behavior caused your suffering. Then we’ll demand equitable compensation for your accident-related expenses. If you would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact us online or call 651-291-7263.

Distracted Driving Statistics

According to recent statistics, distracted driving significantly contributes to road accidents and fatalities. Here are some key statistics on distracted driving:

Why Is Distracted Driving So Dangerous?

Distracted driving is dangerous because it takes the driver’s focus away from the road and increases the crash risk. When a driver is distracted, they are less likely to react quickly to changes in traffic or road conditions. Thus, making it more difficult to avoid a collision. Drivers can be so distracted they wind up going the wrong way on a city street or a highway.

Distracted driving can take many forms, such as texting, talking on a cell phone, eating, applying makeup, or using navigation systems. Any activity that diverts the driver’s attention from the road can be dangerous and increase the risk of a crash. In addition, distracted driving can also lead to decreased reaction time, increased reaction time variability, and increased lane deviation. All of which can result in severe and sometimes fatal accidents.

Types Of Distracted Driving

The three primary forms of distracted driving are manual, cognitive and visual distractions. Here’s a quick look at each.

Manual Distractions

Manual distractions are a type of distracted driving that occurs when a driver takes their hands off the wheel. This distraction can result from eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, or reaching for an object.

Manual distractions can be hazardous because the driver may lose control of the vehicle. In addition, manual distractions can cause a driver to take their eyes off the road. This makes it more difficult to react to changing road conditions or other drivers. Remember that even a brief manual distraction can have serious consequences.

Cognitive Distractions

Cognitive distractions refer to activities that take a driver’s mind off the task of driving. Types of cognitive distractions include talking with passengers, daydreaming, or getting lost in thought.

Cognitive distractions reduce a driver’s ability to pay attention to the road and make quick decisions. Cognitively distracted drivers may miss important cues. Examples include traffic signals, road signs, or the actions of other drivers. Engaging in these distractions puts themselves and others at risk of a crash. In addition, cognitive distractions can also lead to decreased reaction time. This makes it more challenging to respond to sudden changes in traffic or road conditions.

Visual Distractions

Visual distractions refer to activities that take a driver’s eyes off the road. Examples include cell phones, reading a map, or staring at an object outside the vehicle.

Types Of Accidents Caused By Distracted Driving

Several types of accidents can occur due to distracted driving. Some of the most common include:

  • Rear-end collisions: Distracted drivers may not react quickly enough to traffic or road conditions changes, causing them to collide with the vehicle in front of them.
  • Lane departure accidents: A distracted motorist may drift into other lanes or off the road, putting themselves and other drivers at risk.
  • Side-impact collisions: When a driver’s focus isn’t where it should be, they may not see other vehicles or objects on the road, causing them to collide with them.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Distracted motorists may not see pedestrians in crosswalks or on the sidewalk, putting them at risk of injury or death.
  • Head-on collisions: Distracted drivers may drift into oncoming traffic, causing a head-on collision with another vehicle.

Serious Injuries Associated With Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving accidents can result in serious injuries, some of which can have long-term consequences. Some of the most common injuries associated with distracted driving accidents include:

  • Brain injuries: Distracted driving accidents can cause head trauma, resulting in brain injuries such as concussions, skull fractures, and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries: These injuries can result in paralysis and can profoundly impact a person’s quality of life.
  • Bone fractures: Accidents can cause fractures to various bones in the body, such as the arms, legs, and ribs.
  • Internal injuries: An accident due to distracted driving can cause severe internal injuries, such as organ damage or internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening.
  • Soft tissue injuries: These injuries can result in sprains, strains, and bruises and can take a long time to heal.

Contact Sand Law Asap To Speak To An Experience Distracted Driving Attorney

There are many ways an attorney with Sand Law can help maximize your compensation. Once we investigate your case, we’ll know the value of your damages and demand every dollar from the distracted driver’s insurance company. These don’t just include tangible expenses, such as medical bills and lost wages, but also emotional trauma and other subjective damages. Your Sand Law attorney will also keep the lines of communication open and keep you informed through each part of your claim.

Contact us online or call 651-291-7263 for a free consultation.