No Child Should Suffer Abuse At School
At Sand Law, our attorneys and staff take situations involving child abuse, discrimination, and mistreatment at schools in Minnesota very seriously. No child should ever have to suffer the physical pain, emotional distress, humiliation, educational setbacks and other trauma that results from these situations.
Education laws and rights involving abuse, discrimination, and mistreatment at school are very confusing. Many different actions, policies or behaviors could be considered inappropriate and outside of legal bounds. You should never feel like you have to know the law to know that something is wrong. Sometimes it is just a parent’s intuition that tells you that your child is hurting.
Keep A Journal | Record And Document Everything
Because school staff abuse cases are often complex, it is best to keep a record of anything that could be relevant to the situation. As soon as you notice that something is wrong, take the time to start a journal. Write down the dates, times, names and circumstances of anything out of the ordinary.
Keep a folder with any documents that could be relevant. This includes any notices sent home from the school, disciplinary reports, school policies or manuals, bills for medical treatment or counseling, and anything else that relates to your child’s education or injury. It is always better to have more information than not enough.
Sexual Abuse At School

Students at school are at risk of being sexually abused by members of the school staff. Students can be taken advantage of sexually by those with authority over them like teachers and even higher senior staff such as principals. Many students every year are sexually abused and do not report their abuse out of fear of their abusers using their authority in reprisal or fear of direct physical reprisal as well. It is important to note that sexual abuse of students can occur to any gender, age, and any sexual orientation from abusers of equal variety. Sexual abuse of students can also have long-term consequences. The mental trauma caused by sexual abuse by a teacher or other school faculty member can lead to lifelong mental issues like anxiety, depression, and even PTSD that can interfere with a person’s ability to live their life.
Physical Abuse of Students At School
The physical damage caused by the abuse of students by school faculty members can be quite severe. This physical abuse can be part of sexual abuse by a member of the school’s staff or can simply be physical in nature alone. Students can be beaten and sustain intense trauma in the form of broken bones, contusions, and even lacerations. Students can sometimes even be physically restrained by members of school staff in ways that can injure them. Physical abuse can occur due to staff frustration, as a form of punishment, discipline, reprisal, discrimination, or out of sadistic intent.
Contact Sand Law For A Free Initial Consultation
While we encourage you to record everything you can, we do not expect you to know exactly what we will need. If you suspect that your child has suffered abuse, discrimination or any other injury, we encourage you to contact us sooner rather than later. We can help advise you on the steps you need to take and begin building your case immediately.
Call our White Bear Lake and Saint Paul offices at 651-291-SAND (651-291-7263) or send us an email to schedule your free initial consultation.