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Minnesota Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Bicycle Lane in Minnesota - Minnesota Bicycle Accident Attorneys - Sand Law LLC

I was injured while riding a bike in Minnesota. Now what? Bicycle accidents kill or injure thousands each year in the United States. With motor vehicle drivers refusing to share the road and not keeping out of the bike lane, these accidents are at an all-time high. There are certain rules in place that keep… Read more »

Minnesota Slip and Fall Injury Attorneys

slip and fall sign - Minnesota slip and fall attorneys - sand law llc

Slip and Falls Can Often Lead to Serious Injuries and Piling Medical Bills Slip and fall accidents can happen in a blink of an eye and always when someone least expects it. Falling down, whether from tripping or slipping, causes not only confusion and embarrassment but serious injuries as well. According to the Minnesota Department… Read more »

Minnesota Playground Injuries

Minnesota Playground Injuries lawsuit injury claim attorney

My kid got hurt on a playground. Who can I hold liable? You can recover compensation when the school created the risk. At Sand Law, our attorneys and staff know that recess is the best part of the school day for many children. We also know that playgrounds and other recreational areas can be very… Read more »

St Paul Sexual Abuse Victims’ Attorneys

Woman being sexually harassed -Sexual Abuse Attorneys in St Paul Minnesota - Sand Law LLC

Experienced Sexual Abuse Victims’ Lawyers in Minnesota Whether occurring at the hands of a family member, a teacher or mentor, a caretaker, or even a complete stranger, sexual abuse has devastating effects on victims’ lives. Physical, emotional and psychological scars caused by sexual abuse can last a lifetime. The attorneys at Sand Law are prepared… Read more »

How to File a Minnesota Workers’ Comp Claim

Workers’ compensation helps injured workers pay for medical bills, provides disability payments to make up for lost wages, helps pay for rehab, provides training, as well as other benefits. Nearly all of our clients are injured on a job while working and employed by a company in Minnesota. At times, we have clients which are… Read more »

Daycare Injury & Abuse

Initiating a lawsuit against your daycare provider is something that can be met with mixed emotions. Often time’s daycare providers are our friends, family, or neighbors. The attorneys at Sand Law have been at the forefront of high profile daycare injury cases in Minnesota. Hire the best. “It is important to understand that Minnesota law… Read more »

All Practice Areas

Motor Vehicle Accidents Car Accidents Motorcycle Accidents Truck Accidents Rideshare Accidents Bicycle Accidents Personal Injury Slip and Fall Accidents Assault and Battery Injuries Construction Accidents Dog and Animal Attacks Nursing Home and Medical Negligence Personal Injury Statute of Limitations Workers Compensation Child Injuries Dangerous Conditions at School Harm Involving Schools Daycare Injuries Playground Injuries School… Read more »