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Truck Accident Statistics That You May Find Shocking

Truck Accident Statistics That You May Find Shocking - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

  Data on truck accidents confirms that other road users are at a higher risk of sustaining serious or fatal injuries in a crash. Summary Occupants of other vehicles are in greater danger of being injured in collisions involving large trucks. Statistics show that truck accidents are most likely to occur on rural, non-interstate roads… Read more »

Regulations That Make Commercial Trucking Safer

Regulations That Make Commercial Trucking Safer - Sand Law Minnesota - Personal Injury Truck Accident Attorney

Truck drivers and the companies they work for have strict regulations to keep everyone safe.  Like anything, driving a commercial truck comes with a set of rules and regulations. These regulations are set to keep everyone on the road safe, including the driver and other cars.  Driving a commercial truck is different from driving a… Read more »

Reasons Truck Accidents are So Dangerous

Reasons Why Truck Accidents are So Dangerous - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

The size difference between trucks and cars is just one of multiple reasons that accidents involving trucks can be fatal. Many factors contribute to the fact that truck accidents are dangerous and inherently more dangerous than car accidents. There are many rules and regulations in place to make trucking safer. However, there are still many… Read more »

Exploring the Technology That Could Help Prevent Truck Accidents in the Future

Truck driver in the cab of his rig

Summary Truck accident technology may eventually help save thousands of lives. Advances such as collision avoidance systems, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and automatic emergency braking systems can significantly reduce collisions. Unfortunately, it may be years before trucking companies fully deploy these and other technological tools to reduce accidents. Truck accident attorneys investigate wrecks to gather evidence and… Read more »

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC

Summary Minnesota truck accident victims often have several questions in the aftermath of a wreck. A skilled truck accident attorney will answer your questions and work to help you obtain maximum compensation. Trucking companies as well as truck drivers can face liability for negligence leading to an accident. Truck accidents can be devastating, and victims… Read more »

Modern Safety Innovations that Prevent Truck Accidents

Truck safety on our roads is critical, affecting not only the well-being of individuals but also the economic health of our communities. With the rapid advancement of technology, there has been a notable surge in innovations designed to prevent truck accidents. Talented engineers and other professionals designed this impressive technology to reduce the alarming statistics… Read more »

The Risks of Fatigued Driving

Fatigued driving is a significant risk factor for motor vehicle accidents and is a leading cause of severe injuries and fatalities on the road. When drivers operate vehicles while exhausted or sleep-deprived, their ability to focus, react quickly, and make sound decisions becomes impaired. This impairment can lead to devastating consequences, not only for the… Read more »

Mistakes to Avoid When Settling a Minnesota Truck Accident Case

The attorneys with Sand Law have years of experience representing clients injured in truck accidents. We know how easy it is for accident victims to make mistakes that cost them tens – or even hundreds – of thousands of dollars. This article will spell out some of the more common ones. When you turn to… Read more »

Do Semi-Trucks Still Have Black Boxes?

When it comes to truck accidents, one crucial tool that investigators can use to determine the cause of the accident is the so-called “black box,” also known as an electronic control module (ECM). Black boxes are also sometimes called event data recorders (EDRs) or electronic control modules (ECMs). Airplanes have used black boxes for decades…. Read more »

The Lasting Consequences of a Truck Accident Injury

Truck accidents can cause significant injuries that can have lifelong consequences. The lasting consequences of a truck accident injury may include physical pain, debilitation, emotional trauma, and financial hardship. If you’ve suffered a terrible injury in a truck accident caused by another’s negligence, you must understand the lasting consequences of your injury and your legal… Read more »