St. Paul Distracted Driving Injury Lawyers

According to the Minnesota State Patrol, there were approximately 86,000 inattentive or “distracted” driving accidents throughout the state from 2011 to 2015 with 74 of those accidents resulting in fatalities. These figures continue to rise. It is no surprise that this new phenomenon has led to a large increase of accidents on our roads. Throughout Minnesota and the country, new legislation proposing stiffer penalties for inattentive behavior like texting and driving continues to be introduced. In the ever-changing technological society we now live in, it is imperative to have laws that keep up with the times. Distracted drivers are a danger to everyone on the roads: passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers. Here is a look at what some of the top accident causing behaviors by inattentive drivers: Text Messaging Or “Texting” Text messaging and driving has become a major problem on Minnesota roadways. Minnesota Statute § 169.475 Subd. 2(a) states that: “No person may operate a motor vehicle while using a wireless communications device to compose, read, or send an electronic message when the vehicle is in motion or a part of traffic.” April is “Distracted Driving Month” in Minnesota and according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, police throughout...