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Types of Back Injuries

Types of Back Injuries - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Car, truck, or motorcycle accidents and slips and falls are the most common causes of acute and chronic back injuries. Back pain affects nearly 65 million Americans in some form. Some of these cases can be blamed on bad habits like hunching over in office chairs or sleeping in odd positions. However, for a substantial… Read more »

How a Spinal Cord Injury Can Change Your Life

How a Spinal Cord Injury Can Change Your Life - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

Spinal cord injuries not only affect accident victims physically, but also emotionally and financially. Managing your personal life, career, and finances is often a tough balancing act in the best case scenario. Living with a spinal cord injury only makes it more difficult. These injuries not only cost a fortune to treat. They also change… Read more »

Why Construction Accidents Are So Common and How to Prevent Them

Why Construction Accidents Are So Common and How to Prevent Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Construction Accident Attorney

Construction workers are at a higher risk for injuries on the job, including even fatal injuries. Members of the workforce know that all careers come with their own set of drawbacks. Without a doubt, some are inherently more dangerous than others. Construction workers spend their days using heavy tools and machinery, often at intimidating heights…. Read more »

What’s Causing My Back Pain After a Car Accident? 

What’s Causing My Back Pack After a Car Accident? - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents are a common cause of serious back injuries that can have lasting effects on a victim’s quality of life. Types of Back Injuries Car accidents are not one in the same. There are tons of different ways that two cars can collide, which also means there are various ways that a person can… Read more »

Common Types of Injuries Involved in Personal Injury Claims

personal injury common injuries claim lawsuit attorney Minnesota

Accident Injuries Personal Injury Claims Seek Compensation For The world is a dangerous place where the risk of being involved in an accident of some kind or another is ever-present. We spend massive amounts of time in our lives behind the wheel at risk for severe car accidents. The very ground we walk on while… Read more »

Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Claims

Seeking Compensation for Spine and Back Injuries There are few parts of the body that can sustain an injury and cause severe damage on a level that can alter your whole life. Whether it is a car collision, construction site accident, or a simple slip and fall, injuries to areas such as the spine can… Read more »