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Spring Time in Minnesota Can Mean More Personal Injury Incidents

Spring Time in Minnesota Can Mean More Personal Injury Incidents - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Attorney

Causes of Springtime Injuries In the springtime, car crashes in Minnesota begin their yearly uptick. As the winter is rather brutal for Minnesotans, many more people tend to get on the roads when spring comes around. With more drivers on the road, more motor vehicle accidents can occur. As ice melts, roads may become slippery… Read more »

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Brain Injury Attorney

Any sort of accident that results in a personal injury can be devastating – especially when it involves the brain. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) will oftentimes lead to a lifetime of debilitation – or even worse. It could happen due to a slip and fall injury, an automobile wreck, or due to any number… Read more »

Can my car accident attorney get access to camera footage for my case?

Can my car accident attorney get access to camera footage for my case - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers

After a car accident, video proof can mean all the difference between a drawn out trial and a simple settlement. The chances are that everyone will be involved in at least one car accident in their lifetime. Accidents may be minor, causing only an inconvenience. However, more significant accidents are also possible and can cause… Read more »

Staying Safe While Boating: Avoid These Common Injuries

Staying Safe While Boating - Avoid These Common Injuries - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Boating and Swimming Injury Attorneys

Boating is a common pastime in Minnesota, but it can be dangerous if proper safety isn’t followed. Boating is a great way to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the outdoors, especially in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. It’s no wonder recreational boating is a $170.3 billion industry that is steadily gaining new participants… Read more »

Why Construction Accidents Are So Common and How to Prevent Them

Why Construction Accidents Are So Common and How to Prevent Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Construction Accident Attorney

Construction workers are at a higher risk for injuries on the job, including even fatal injuries. Members of the workforce know that all careers come with their own set of drawbacks. Without a doubt, some are inherently more dangerous than others. Construction workers spend their days using heavy tools and machinery, often at intimidating heights…. Read more »

Most Common Emergency Room Mistakes

ER Sign - Most Common Emergency Room Mistakes - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota

Going to an emergency room can be an incredibly stressful experience. But when something goes wrong while you are there, that stress can be severely heightened. Depending on the severity of your injury, you could be waiting for a long time to be treated. Or you could be the victim of an ER mistake or… Read more »

6 Most Common Types of Wrongful Deaths

6 Most Common Types of Wrongful Deaths - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Wrongful Death Attorneys

Wrongful death claims can be brought against someone who has caused the death of another person. This death can be caused by negligence or intentional action. Wrongful death claims allow people to file a lawsuit against whoever was legally liable for the death.  Lawsuits for wrongful death are usually filed by a representative of the… Read more »

What’s Causing My Back Pain After a Car Accident? 

What’s Causing My Back Pack After a Car Accident? - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents are a common cause of serious back injuries that can have lasting effects on a victim’s quality of life. Types of Back Injuries Car accidents are not one in the same. There are tons of different ways that two cars can collide, which also means there are various ways that a person can… Read more »

Can I Seek Compensation for Psychological Damages?

accident psychological injuries lawsuit claim attorney Woodbury Minnesota

Emotional And Psychological Car Accident Damages Personal injury law allows for those that have suffered severe injuries in devastating accidents to stabilize their life after the significant damages of an injury turn it upside down. Accidents have a way of occurring when it is absolutely the most inconvenient and inflict injuries that can affect your… Read more »

Common Types of Injuries Involved in Personal Injury Claims

personal injury common injuries claim lawsuit attorney Minnesota

Accident Injuries Personal Injury Claims Seek Compensation For The world is a dangerous place where the risk of being involved in an accident of some kind or another is ever-present. We spend massive amounts of time in our lives behind the wheel at risk for severe car accidents. The very ground we walk on while… Read more »