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What Measures Are Businesses Required to Take to Prevent Slip and Falls?

Woman sits on the stairs in an office building after slipping with papers scatters around her

Summary Businesses must take steps to prevent slip-and-falls, which can lead to severe injuries and, in some cases, tragedies. Minnesota law mandates property owners to take reasonable steps to keep patrons safe. Specific steps include posting warning signs, promptly cleaning spills, installing slip-resistant slowing, and others. A slip-and-fall lawyer can help you obtain compensation if… Read more »

The Emotional and Psychological Impact of Wrongful Death

Two women hugging one is crying and holding a tissue

Summary The impact of wrongful death can lead to grief and sorrow, guilt, anxiety, isolation, and other issues for the surviving family. Survivors can often find help through support groups, self-care, and therapy and counseling. An experienced wrongful death lawyer can help family members seek justice for the loss of their loved one. Losing a… Read more »

Deny, Delay, Decrease: How Insurance Companies Avoid Paying Personal Injury Claims

Deny, Delay, Defend - How Insurance Companies Avoid Paying Claims - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Insurance companies will seek to decrease payments or deny claims for injuries caused by an insured person’s actions. After becoming injured, victims of accidents want nothing more than to move on from the traumatizing experience. Unfortunately, due to the tactics of insurance companies, accident victims are faced with excessive paperwork, lengthy phone calls, repetitive interrogations,… Read more »

From Whiplash to Traumatic Brain Injuries: How Car Accident Lawyers Handle Different Types of Cases

Rear end car accident scene where a male driver and a female driver are both making a phone call

Summary Seasoned car accident lawyers know how to pursue compensation in many different types of car accident cases. Skilled attorneys tailor their approaches to a client’s specific injury. Whiplash, severe head injuries, broken bones, and soft tissue injuries require extensive and costly treatment. Attorneys negotiate to help clients obtain the compensation needed to cover those… Read more »

Exploring the Technology That Could Help Prevent Truck Accidents in the Future

Truck driver in the cab of his rig

Summary Truck accident technology may eventually help save thousands of lives. Advances such as collision avoidance systems, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and automatic emergency braking systems can significantly reduce collisions. Unfortunately, it may be years before trucking companies fully deploy these and other technological tools to reduce accidents. Truck accident attorneys investigate wrecks to gather evidence and… Read more »

Average Settlement for Car Accident Neck and Back Injury

Average Settlement for Car Accident Neck and Back Injury - Sand Law LLC

Summary Factors determining the settlement for a car accident include the injury’s severity, the amount of the victim’s lost wages, the attorney’s negotiation skills, and many others. The at-fault driver’s insurance company may claim the victim was already injured before the accident, and they’re trying to get that driver to pay for their medical treatment…. Read more »

Common Causes of Slip And Falls

Common Causes of Slip And Falls - Sand Law LLC

Summary Common causes of slip and falls include hazardous walking surfaces, wet floors, inadequate signage, etc. A property owner or manager’s negligence often contributes to slip and fall accidents. A skilled personal injury attorney can prove negligence and help an injury victim obtain maximum compensation. Movies and television shows often depict slips and falls as… Read more »

Slip and Fall on Ice in Public. Do I Have a Case?

Slip and Fall on Ice in Public. Do I Have a Case - Sand Law LLC

Summary Slips and falls on ice injure thousands of Minnesotans each year. Determining liability in a case involving a slip and fall on ice in a public area can be challenging. Property owners, governmental entities, and homeowners can face liability after these accidents. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will be an injury victim’s best chance… Read more »

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC

Summary Minnesota truck accident victims often have several questions in the aftermath of a wreck. A skilled truck accident attorney will answer your questions and work to help you obtain maximum compensation. Trucking companies as well as truck drivers can face liability for negligence leading to an accident. Truck accidents can be devastating, and victims… Read more »