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Permanent Consequences of a Motorcycle Accident Injury

Lifelong Consequences of a Motorcycle Accident - Sand Law LLC - St Paul Minneapolis Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Because a motorcycle rider is so vulnerable, the consequences of an accident injury can be horrible. And the effects of a motorcycle accident injury can be permanent. These not only include the physical effects of a devastating injury, but also the emotional and financial effects. Even though you were following the rules of the road… Read more »

3 Important Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident

3 Important Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident - Sand Law LLC - Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Suffering a serious injury in a motorcycle accident is bad enough. Having to deal with the bias against motorcycle riders – a bias that could impact your insurance claim – can add even more stress to an already-horrible situation. You did everything you were supposed to. You followed the rules of the road, and you… Read more »

Understanding How Motorcycle Bias Can Affect Your Claim

Understanding How Motorcycle Bias Can Affect Your Claim - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

It’s an unfortunate component of just about every motorcycle accident case – and if you don’t have a skilled attorney, it could keep you from getting the money you deserve. It’s motorcycle bias. Even though it doesn’t have any rational basis, it’s a real thing, and it has been for decades. The importance of having… Read more »

Important Motorcycle Laws Everyone in Minnesota Should Know

Important Motorcycle Laws Everyone in Minnesota Should Know - Sand Law LLC Personal Injury Attorneys

Motorcycle accidents can lead to horrible injuries – and even worse. Even though technological advances are making motorcycles safer than ever before, bikers still get hurt far too frequently. Motorcycling can be an awesome experience. It’s not like driving a car – you don’t just sit on a bike, you become a part of the… Read more »

8 Tips for First-Time Motorcycle Riders

8 Tips for First-Time Motorcycle Riders - Sand Law LLC St Paul Minneapolis Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve never ridden a motorcycle, you’re probably incredibly excited to get out on the open road for the first time. But in order to get the most enjoyment possible, you have to take the necessary steps to stay as safe as possible. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents can lead to a lifetime of disability – or… Read more »

Wrongful Death Caused by a Minnesota Motorcycle Accident

Wrongful Death Caused by a Minnesota Motorcycle Accident - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Have you lost a loved one due to a motorcycle accident? You may be able to claim damages for your suffering. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents cause death at alarming rates. Because motorcyclists don’t have the same protection that passenger vehicle drivers do, their injuries can be more severe. Severe injuries often lead to complications, which can… Read more »

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Brain Injury Attorney

Any sort of accident that results in a personal injury can be devastating – especially when it involves the brain. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) will oftentimes lead to a lifetime of debilitation – or even worse. It could happen due to a slip and fall injury, an automobile wreck, or due to any number… Read more »

How Much is My Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth?

How Much is My Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Motorcycle Accident Personal Injury Attorney

If you’re injured by another driver in a motorcycle accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your damages. Getting into a motorcycle accident can be scary and stressful. You shouldn’t have to worry about your medical debt and lost wages while you’re recovering from an injury that you weren’t responsible for. If you… Read more »