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St Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

St. Paul Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Sand Law LLC

EXPERIENCED MINNESOTA MOTORCYCLE CRASH ATTORNEYS According to the Insurance Information Institute, motorcyclists get in fewer accidents than cars. However, unlike auto accidents, motorcycle accidents are much more dangerous. In fact, motorcycle wrecks are 26 times more likely to cause death. This is why motorcycle safety is such a major part of the legal process involved with… Read more »

Minnesota Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Unfortunately, as stimulating as a motorcycle ride can be, it comes with significant risks. The numbers tell a disturbing story regarding motorcycle accidents in Minnesota. Far too many riders are hurt and killed each year because of driver negligence. These accidents not only lead to tragedies but also injuries that can lead to hundreds of… Read more »

5 Types of Personal Injury Accidents That Can Cause Burns

Worker using a blowtorch to cut materials is at risk of a burn accident injury

Motor vehicle accidents, workplace incidents, and other types of personal injury accidents can cause painful and disfiguring burns. Summary Thermal burns, caused by direct exposure to high temperatures, constitute about 85% of all burn injuries requiring medical care. Often they result from motor vehicle accidents, fires, mishandling fireworks, or hot liquids in commercial settings. Radiation… Read more »

Why Motorcyclists Face Higher Risks: A Deep Dive into Accident Data

If you love motorcycles, you know there’s nothing better than getting out on a beautiful day for an exhilarating ride. But you also know that getting on a bike carries significant risks. Road conditions and negligent drivers can quickly turn an awesome experience into a nightmare. This article will show you some of the alarming… Read more »

What is the Safest Motorcycle?

Nearly 10 million motorcycles were registered in the U.S. in 2021, a record number. Unfortunately, there were also more than 6,000 deaths in motorcycle accidents that year – also a record. Having the safest motorcycle can help reduce your risk of an accident. A Sand Law attorney can protect your rights if you’ve suffered injuries… Read more »

5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Motorcycle Accident

You might have done everything right when you were on your motorcycle. You followed all traffic laws, wore the proper protective equipment, and ensured you were aware of your surroundings. But a negligent motorist hit you anyway, and you suffered a severe injury as a result. Sometimes, a motorcycle accident is unavoidable. These mistakes, however,… Read more »

How to Protect Yourself from Injury While Riding a Motorcycle

While there’s nothing more exhilarating than riding a motorcycle, it also comes with a significant risk of injury. When someone is hurt in a motorcycle accident, they may need extensive treatment that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if you’re a rider and follow the safety tips in this article, that could greatly… Read more »

How Much Does it Cost to Treat Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

Motorcycle accident injuries can be severe and even result in fatality. The costs associated with these injuries can be significant, and it’s essential to understand the different types of injuries and treatment options available. The following is a look at the costs of treating different types of injuries typically associated with a motorcycle wreck. The… Read more »

Recovering from a Motorcycle Accident Injury

Suffering a severe injury after a motorcycle accident isn’t just painful – it’s also incredibly frustrating. You want to get out and enjoy life, but you can’t because you’re recovering from a motorcycle accident injury and following your doctor’s treatment plan – and that’s smart. The closer you follow that plan, the better your chances… Read more »

FAQ: Medical Treatment After a Motorcycle Accident

medical treatment after motorcycle accident

Whether you’ve just started out riding a motorcycle or you’re a seasoned veteran, the risk of an accident is always there. Since motorcyclists are so much more vulnerable than drivers and passengers in four-wheeled vehicles, their injuries tend to be worse when a collision occurs. The consequences of those injuries can be terrible, which is… Read more »