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5 Common Types of Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Types of Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers

Each year in the United States, there are upwards of 35,000 fatalities because of car accidents. Most of these accidents are caused by distracted driving, drunk or drugged driving, inexperience, and general mistakes on behalf of one or more drivers. Because of this, almost all car accidents can be prevented with safe driving. There are… Read more »

Real Advice from an Attorney: When To Hire A Car Accident Attorney

Real Advice from an Attorney - When To Hire A Car Accident Attorney - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Many people don’t have experience working with an attorney if they haven’t previously been involved in a car accident or other personal injury accident. For this reason, it may be hard for some people to decide whether or not they should hire an attorney to represent them. Oftentimes, people believe that attorneys aren’t worth the… Read more »

Is It Illegal to Drive While on Medical Marijuana in Minnesota?

Is It Illegal to Drive While on Medical Marijuana in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC Personal Injury Attorneys

Driving while under the influence of alcohol is incredibly common, causing 10,142 fatalities in 2019. But what about driving while under the influence of legal marijuana in Minnesota? With more and more states legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use, what happens if you’re involved in an accident with someone who’s high? What are Minnesota’s… Read more »

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident

Neurological Issues After a Personal Injury Accident - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Brain Injury Attorney

Any sort of accident that results in a personal injury can be devastating – especially when it involves the brain. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) will oftentimes lead to a lifetime of debilitation – or even worse. It could happen due to a slip and fall injury, an automobile wreck, or due to any number… Read more »

Who Can be Held Liable For a Rear-End Car Accident?

Who Can be Held Liable For a Rear-End Car Accident - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

In the United States in 2019, there were approximately 36,096 fatalities because of car accidents. The state of Minnesota accounted for 364 of those deaths. Car accidents are incredibly common, and chances are you’ll get into at least one in your lifetime. On average, there are six million car accidents in the United States each… Read more »

Another Driver Hit Me While I Was Driving for Uber.

Another Driver Hit Me While I Was Driving for Uber - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Rideshare Accident Personal Injury Attorney

Here’s what to do after being involved in a car accident as an Uber Driver. Uber drivers are on the road as a full-time job, putting them at higher risk for a car accident. While Uber drivers can control their safety, they can’t control how other cars act. Even the best defensive driver may still… Read more »

Why Some Car Accident Injury Claims go to Trial

Why Some Car Accident Injury Claims go to Trial - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

F0r victims injured in a car accident, compensation for their injuries can be reached through settlement or by trial. Each year, there are approximately six million car accidents in the United States. Of course, many of these are minor, causing little to no injury. About three million out of the total six million accidents left… Read more »

Winter Driving Tips for Minnesotans

Winter Driving Tips for Minnesotans - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney

Minnesotans know that safe driving during the winter is all about knowing how to maneuver on the road. Each year, 1,300 people are killed because of winter-related accidents in the United States. Another 116,800 people are injured due to weather conditions. We know that driving in the winter can be scary. But by being prepared… Read more »

December Deadly Motor Vehicle Accidents

December Deadly Motor Vehicle Accidents - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney

December is already a stressful month. With the holidays, family events, and harsh weather, it can be harder to stay safe. With all these extra stressors, the last thing you need is an accident on your hands. Dealing with medical bills and a lawsuit won’t exactly lessen the holiday stress you’re already feeling. However, if… Read more »

Car Accidents on the Rise During Winter

Car Accidents on the Rise During Winter - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Car Accident Attorney

Driving in the snow in the winter can be incredibly dangerous, accounting for an average of 1,300 deaths each year, as well as 116,000 injuries because of weather conditions. Winter car accidents can cause critical injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, back injuries, and wrongful death. After a car accident injury, you… Read more »