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Tools to Fight Distracted Driving

distracted driver - Minnesota car accident attorneys - sand law llc

Drunk driving and distracted driving are different acts with similar outcomes. They result in a driver operating at less than their best, putting lives at risk all across St. Paul and the Twin Cities. Drunk driving —- now called “driving while impaired” to account for drug-related effects — has historically received the most attention. Perhaps… Read more »

Winter Car Accidents in Minnesota

Winter Car Accidents in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Car Accident Attorney

Winter in Minnesota creates a unique set of hazards for drivers on the road. The Twin Cities have received our first real winter weather of the year, causing widespread commuting delays. Delays more than an hour were common. However, many people dealt with more serious results of the storm than being late for work. The… Read more »

Opioid Related Car Accidents On The Rise

Driving while intoxicated poses a threat to everyone on the road, especially when the intoxicant is an opioid. The nationwide rise in opioid abuse is having a direct effect on driver safety. A recent article from Addiction Now sites that a Columbia University study has found that “the use of prescription drugs like hydrocodone and… Read more »

What to Do After a Hit and Run Car Accident in Minnesota

What to Do After a Hit and Run Car Accident in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC Minneapolis St Paul White Bear Lake Woodbury Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

The legal definition of a hit and run car accident is one in which one driver hits another with his or her vehicle and then flees the scene. Hitting a pedestrian, a fixed object, or a parked car and not stopping to render aid or leave contact information also falls under the category of a… Read more »

Minnesota: The Land of 10,000 Car Accidents

Being involved in a car accident can alter your life in many ways.  Car accident victims can often be left with a permanent physical injury that affects their everyday life, their relationships with family and friends, their ability to work, as well as the basic enjoyment of their life.  In Minnesota, we see a variety… Read more »

St. Paul Distracted Driving Injury Lawyers

St. Paul Distracted Driving Injury Lawyers - Sand Law LLC

According to the Minnesota State Patrol, there were approximately 86,000 inattentive or “distracted” driving accidents throughout the state from 2011 to 2015 with 74 of those accidents resulting in fatalities. These figures continue to rise. It is no surprise that this new phenomenon has led to a large increase of accidents on our roads. Throughout… Read more »

10 Common Questions In Minnesota Wrongful Death Cases

10 COMMON QUESTIONS in Minnesota Wrongful death lawsuit - sand law llc

A Minnesota wrongful death claim is a case fraught with emotion. Persons involved are usually filled with questions. Many may be intimate or will elicit emotions a person would prefer to manage in private. With that in mind, providing answers to the most common questions regarding such cases allows an individual to probe this legal… Read more »