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When is a Car Driver at Fault for Hitting a Bicyclist?

When is a Car Driver at Fault for Hitting a Bicyclist - Sand Law LLC

Summary Most bicycle accidents occur due to a motorist’s negligence, leaving the driver at fault for hitting a bicyclist Drivers can cause various bicycle accidents, including dooring and rear-end collisions. Injured bicyclists need legal help to obtain maximum compensation. An attorney can investigate an accident and deal with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Bicyclists are… Read more »

Slip and Fall on Ice in Public. Do I Have a Case?

Slip and Fall on Ice in Public. Do I Have a Case - Sand Law LLC

Summary Slips and falls on ice injure thousands of Minnesotans each year. Determining liability in a case involving a slip and fall on ice in a public area can be challenging. Property owners, governmental entities, and homeowners can face liability after these accidents. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will be an injury victim’s best chance… Read more »

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota

FAQ About Truck Accidents in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC

Summary Minnesota truck accident victims often have several questions in the aftermath of a wreck. A skilled truck accident attorney will answer your questions and work to help you obtain maximum compensation. Trucking companies as well as truck drivers can face liability for negligence leading to an accident. Truck accidents can be devastating, and victims… Read more »

Understanding Minnesota’s Mandatory Reporting Laws for School Abuse 

Summary: Minnesota designed its mandatory reporting laws for school abuse to ensure fast action to protect a victim’s physical and mental health. Mandatory reporters must be aware of the signs of abuse. Forms of child maltreatment include physical and sexual abuse, neglect, and emotional abuse. Mandatory reporters include teachers, counselors, school administrators, and others. The… Read more »

Rideshare Driver Fatigue: Addressing Legal Liability in Minnesota 

Summary: Rideshare driver fatigue occurs for many reasons, including financial stress. Uber, Lyft, and other rideshare companies work to prevent fatigue. If an accident occurs due to a drowsy rideshare driver, the driver, rideshare company, and other parties may face liability. Skilled lawyers have many tools to determine liability in cases involving accidents due to… Read more »

The Use of Expert Witnesses in Slip and Fall Cases

Summary: Expert witnesses can often make the difference in a slip and fall case. Nearly 40% of all brain injuries in Minnesota result from falls yearly. Effective expert witnesses in slip and fall cases communicate technical concepts in a way people can understand. Types of witnesses include medical, biomechanical, and premises liability experts. Expert witness… Read more »

How Ice and Snow Cause Slip and Fall Accidents

Summary: Slipping and falling on ice and snow can cause catastrophic injuries. Unfortunately, state law doesn’t provide guidance on who is responsible for clearing ice and snow from a property. Municipalities typically establish those rules. Injury victims must contact an experienced attorney to have the best chance of obtaining compensation. On average, between 1,500-2,000 people… Read more »

Can You File a Car Accident Claim Without a Police Report? 

Can You File a Car Accident Claim Without a Police Report - Sand Law LLC St Paul Minneapolis Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

              So, you’ve been in an automobile accident, but you don’t want to deal with calling the police. Another vehicle might have hit yours after sliding on some black ice, or another car might have rear-ended yours and caused some minor damage. You know it’s going to cost some… Read more »

Who Pays for My Vehicle Damage After an Accident in Minnesota?

Who Pays for My Vehicle Damage After an Accident in Minnesota - Sand Law LLC - Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

If you’ve been involved in a car accident that only results in vehicle damage, consider yourself fortunate. Car wrecks happen far too often in Minnesota, and they often result in severe injuries – or worse. But if you’ve been in a collision that’s not your fault, and your car has been severely damaged, you’re still… Read more »

Understanding Loss of Consortium

Summary: Loss of consortium is a type of damage stemming from the lasting impact of a severe injury or death on the victim’s spousal or familial relationships. Minnesota law allows close family members to file a loss of consortium claim. However, spouses typically have the best chances of success. Plaintiffs must satisfy several elements to… Read more »