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Who is at Fault in a Side Swipe Car Accident Collision?

Who is at Fault in a Side Swipe Car Accident Collision - Sand Law LLC St Paul Minneapolis Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

It can be somewhat difficult to tell for sure who’s to blame when a side impact, or sideswipe, collision takes place. Like all types of car accidents, a sideswipe wreck can lead to severe injuries that can lead to tens – or hundreds – of thousands of dollars in damages. That’s why you’re going to… Read more »

6 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse to Look Out For

6 Signs of Nursing Home Abuse to Look Out For - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

When you trust the care of an elderly loved one to a nursing home, the last thing you might expect is that person to suffer harm due to nursing home negligence. A well-run facility can bring a sense of comfort to residents and family members alike. However, when it’s not, it can be a nightmare…. Read more »

Understanding How Motorcycle Bias Can Affect Your Claim

Understanding How Motorcycle Bias Can Affect Your Claim - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

It’s an unfortunate component of just about every motorcycle accident case – and if you don’t have a skilled attorney, it could keep you from getting the money you deserve. It’s motorcycle bias. Even though it doesn’t have any rational basis, it’s a real thing, and it has been for decades. The importance of having… Read more »

5 Types of Truck Accidents & How to Avoid Them

5 Types of Truck Accidents and How to Avoid Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

There are several types of truck accidents, and they can all have devastating results. Many of these accidents can be attributed to inexperienced drivers due to a trucking shortage, or negligence on the part of drivers as well as trucking companies and other parties. Whatever the cause of your accident, if you’ve been severely injured… Read more »

Types of Minnesota Car Accidents

Types of Minnesota Car Accidents - Sand Law LLC Personal Injury Attorneys

There are many different types of car accidents, of course – and all of them come with a risk of horrible injuries and tragic fatalities. Rear-end accidents, head-on collisions, rollovers and other kinds of wrecks kill hundreds of people each year in Minnesota, and injure thousands of others. People’s lives can change forever in a… Read more »

3 Strange Causes of Truck Accidents

3 Strange Causes of Truck Accidents - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

There are many different types of trucking accidents, and there are many causes as well – some are more mundane, while others fall into the “odd” category. But regardless of the cause, truck accidents are incredibly dangerous. In many instances, an accident involving a truck has far worse consequences as a collision between two cars…. Read more »

What Causes Rollover Crashes?

What Causes Rollover Crashes - Sand Law Minnesota

There are far too many vehicle accidents on Minnesota roads, year in and year out. While any kind of car accident can lead to catastrophic results, of course, a rollover accident is among the worst. Rollovers are relatively rare, accounting for only about 3% of all crashes on average. However, they account for 30% of… Read more »

Does Jaywalking Put a Pedestrian At-Fault for a Car Accident?

Does Jaywalking Put a Pedestrian At-Fault for a Car Accident - Sand Law LLC Minnesota

There are a lot of reasons why pedestrian accidents occur – and they continue to happen far too frequently. They can happen anywhere, and they can happen at any time. It’s easy to assume that drivers of vehicles cause most of these accidents, but there are some instances where pedestrians either play a role or… Read more »

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Determined?

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Determined - Sand Law LLC

If you’re considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit, you’ll obviously have a lot of questions. Not only is this a stressful time, it’s also a confusing time. You have no idea of what to expect, and that uncertainty is just making the confusion and stress even worse. The wrongful death attorneys with Sand Law can… Read more »

Shady Tactics Used by Car Insurance Companies After An Accident 

Shady Tactics Used by Car Insurance Companies After An Accident - Sand Law LLC

If you’ve suffered an injury in an accident – a car accident, a bicycle accident, a slip and fall, or anything else – you’re going to have to deal with the negligent party’s insurance company. To say this is a distasteful experience is putting it lightly. Most insurance companies are definitely not above employing some… Read more »