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FAQs: Death Caused by a Truck Accident

The attorneys with Sand Law have a great deal of experience representing clients involved in truck accidents. Many of them suffered severe injuries, while others tragically lost loved ones. When they get in touch with us, they typically have many questions, which is understandable. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about death caused… Read more »

Distracted Driving Comes in Many Forms and Can Cause Serious Injuries

Even though more states and cities are trying to develop tools to fight distracted driving, the problem remains. Thousands of people across the country die every year because motorists continue to use their phones or are distracted in other ways. If you’ve suffered an injury due to a distracted driver, an attorney with Sand Law… Read more »

Negligent Trucking Companies Can Cause Truck Accidents

There are many different types of truck accidents, and they can all have devastating consequences. Motorists often suffer severe injuries that lead to decades of debilitation. These accidents are even worse because trucking company negligence is often to blame. Negligent trucking companies must face accountability when they place profits above safety – which they do… Read more »

Where to Legally Ride and Other Laws that Keep Cyclists Safe

Riding a bicycle should be fun, but there are far too many instances of negligent motorists causing severe injuries and tragic deaths. You deserve compensation if you suffered an injury in this accident or if a motorist hit your child. The attorneys with Sand Law are ready to help you get it. Keep reading to… Read more »

Recovering from a Motorcycle Accident Injury

Suffering a severe injury after a motorcycle accident isn’t just painful – it’s also incredibly frustrating. You want to get out and enjoy life, but you can’t because you’re recovering from a motorcycle accident injury and following your doctor’s treatment plan – and that’s smart. The closer you follow that plan, the better your chances… Read more »

How to Deal with the Fear of Driving After a Car Accident

Fear of driving is real, and it’s terrible. Even if you didn’t suffer a severe injury in a car accident, you may feel so anxious behind the wheel that driving seems impossible. This feeling is nothing to be ashamed of – it happens to many people. You’ve gone through an incredibly traumatic event, and it’s… Read more »

4 Types of School Abuse

No types of school abuse are ever acceptable, of course – not even a little bit. But it’s even worse when it occurs due to the behavior of an adult. Whether it’s a teacher or someone else, if abuse occurs in what should be a safe place, that person – and any others who played… Read more »

What to do if You’re the Passenger during a Rideshare Accident

Just like any other type of car accident, a wreck involving a rideshare vehicle can result in severe injuries. If you’re hurt as a passenger during a rideshare accident, it will be understandable if you’re completely confused. You did everything you were supposed to do – you fastened your seatbelt and didn’t distract the driver… Read more »

What is an Underride Truck Accident?

Even though any kind of truck accident can have a disastrous outcome, there’s nothing worse than an underride truck accident. An underride will almost always result in catastrophic injuries or tragic deaths. What makes matters even worse is that they often occur due to an act of negligence that could have been easily prevented. The… Read more »

Burn Injuries Caused by Motor Vehicle Accidents

Burn injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents are horrible. Not only are they excruciatingly painful, but they can also be fatal. Not only do victims have to deal with physical pain, but the emotional trauma they experience can also be just as bad. They also face astronomical medical bills and other financial burdens. If you or… Read more »