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What is the Safest Motorcycle?

Nearly 10 million motorcycles were registered in the U.S. in 2021, a record number. Unfortunately, there were also more than 6,000 deaths in motorcycle accidents that year – also a record. Having the safest motorcycle can help reduce your risk of an accident. A Sand Law attorney can protect your rights if you’ve suffered injuries… Read more »

What Happens if You Hit a Cyclist With Your Car? 

If you hit a cyclist with your car, it’s a horrible experience for everyone involved. The cyclist could suffer severe injuries, and you may feel guilty. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person. It doesn’t even mean that you were entirely to blame. Get in touch with… Read more »

5 Laws All Pedestrians Should Know

Minnesota is one of the safest states for pedestrians, coming in at No. 10 with a fatality rate of .83 per 100,000 residents. But pedestrian accidents in our state claimed 46 lives in 2022. While that’s an 18% decline from 2021, that number remains too high. Both drivers and pedestrians must be aware of state… Read more »

The Risks of Fatigued Driving

Fatigued driving is a significant risk factor for motor vehicle accidents and is a leading cause of severe injuries and fatalities on the road. When drivers operate vehicles while exhausted or sleep-deprived, their ability to focus, react quickly, and make sound decisions becomes impaired. This impairment can lead to devastating consequences, not only for the… Read more »

Whiplash in a Car Accident

Whiplash in a car accident is very common. While it might not sound that severe on the surface, this injury can lead to debilitating pain and a great deal of expense. Those who dismiss whiplash as something minor probably haven’t had it. At Sand Law, we know how horrible a severe whiplash injury can be…. Read more »

Steps to Take if a Car Accident Causes Death of a Loved One

Experiencing the sudden loss of a loved one due to a car accident is incredibly devastating. While nothing can truly compensate for the loss, taking legal action through a wrongful death lawsuit can help bring some form of justice and financial support to the surviving family members.  In such difficult times, it’s essential to understand… Read more »

5 Examples of Daycare Negligence

Daycare facilities should provide children with a safe and nurturing environment while their parents or guardians work. Unfortunately, daycare negligence can occur, causing significant harm and danger. The following are five examples of daycare negligence that occur far too often. The attorneys with Sand Law are standing by to help if you believe your child… Read more »

How to Pay Your Medical Bills After a Bicycle Accident

A bicycle accident can be terrifying – not only during the event but also long afterward. Victims often have to deal with excruciating pain as well as horrible uncertainty. They have no idea how they’ll be able to afford the extensive medical treatment they need. The skilled bicycle accident attorneys with Sand Law are here… Read more »

5 Mistakes to Avoid After a Motorcycle Accident

You might have done everything right when you were on your motorcycle. You followed all traffic laws, wore the proper protective equipment, and ensured you were aware of your surroundings. But a negligent motorist hit you anyway, and you suffered a severe injury as a result. Sometimes, a motorcycle accident is unavoidable. These mistakes, however,… Read more »

How to Answer Insurance Company Questions After a Car Accident

It’s no secret that insurance companies make it as hard as possible for car accident injury victims to get the money they deserve. They have teams of skilled professionals who will do whatever it takes to protect their employers’ bottom lines. If they have to twist a victim’s words or use other underhanded tactics, they’ll… Read more »