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Treatment for Common Back and Neck Injuries

Treatment for Common Back and Neck Injuries - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Spinal Back and Neck Injury Attorney

To be “the backbone” of something has come to mean the most important element that holds the rest together. This phrase is popular with good reason. The muscles, nerves, and bones of the back greatly impact our mobility and the feeling in the rest of our bodies. These critical bones of the spine extend to… Read more »

Why You Shouldn’t Skimp on Motorcycle Insurance

Why You Should Not Skimp When Buying Motorcycle Insurance - Sand Law LLC - MInnesota Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Almost anyone who takes a close look at their expenses will find a few places where they can tighten their belts. After months or even years of accident-free driving, cutting back on vehicle insurance might start to look like a good way to save a few bucks. When it comes to motorcycle coverage, that isn’t… Read more »

School Abuse Cases

School Abuse Cases - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota School Abuse Attorney

When you leave your child at school, you expect them to be safe and in good hands. When an accident occurs, you may be left feeling angry at the school for allowing such an injury or incident to occur under their supervision. Schools owe a level of care to their students, to take care of… Read more »

Passenger Rights After a Car Accident

Passenger Rights After a Car Accident - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents are scary and stressful and can be damaging for everyone, including passengers. When you’re on the road, your safety is never fully in your own hands. That is especially true when you’re traveling as a passenger rather than a driver. A car accident can be particularly overwhelming in this situation. However, you can… Read more »

7 Steps to Take After a Truck Accident

7 Steps to Take After a Truck Accident - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Truck Accident Attorney

Here’s what to do after a truck accident. Getting into an automobile accident is always an awful experience, especially if the collision involves a truck. Commercial truck engines alone can weigh as much as 3,000 pounds. That’s comparable to the weight of a standard car. After sustaining that kind of impact, thinking straight isn’t easy…. Read more »

Harvest Season Rise in Truck Accidents


Autumns in Minnesota draw more trucks and tractors to our roads. Minnesota is among the top five states for agricultural production in the country. The autumn harvest season is especially busy. To meet the demands, employees from outside of the state are brought in to harvest and transport the crops. That’s why truck drivers in… Read more »

What to do After an Uber or Lyft Car Accident

What to do After an Uber or Lyft Car Accident - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Rideshare Car Accident Attorney

What do you need to know about rideshare car accidents? In Minnesota, Uber and Lyft have become more and more prominent in the recent years. People have stopped using taxis and switched to the online, easy access, ridesharing system. With both Uber and Lyft, independent contractors of the company will pick you up using their… Read more »

Negligent Supervision of a Child

Negligent Supervision of a Child - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Child Injury Abuse Attorney

We know how worrying it can be to leave your child in the arms of someone new. Even if that person is a new daycare worker, babysitter, or even a family member. Even if you did all of your research and were certain nothing bad was going to happen, you can never really know for… Read more »

FAQ: Black Ice Vehicle Accidents

Black Ice Car Accidents FAQ - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Car Accident Personal Injury Attorney

Black ice can pose a serious risk for Minnesota drivers. What do you need to know about black ice car accidents? When rain or snow is actively falling, drivers realize they should be extra cautious in the inclement weather. However, not all adverse conditions of the road are immediately visible. Black ice is one of… Read more »

Types of Back Injuries

Types of Back Injuries - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

Car, truck, or motorcycle accidents and slips and falls are the most common causes of acute and chronic back injuries. Back pain affects nearly 65 million Americans in some form. Some of these cases can be blamed on bad habits like hunching over in office chairs or sleeping in odd positions. However, for a substantial… Read more »