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What’s Causing My Neck and Back Pain After an Accident? 

What’s Causing My Neck and Back Pain After an Accident - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Any sort of accident that results in a personal injury lawsuit can lead to severe neck and back pain. Whether it’s a car accident, a slip and fall, a boating accident or anything else, the pain associated with this type of injury can be horrible. It can also make accomplishing even the most basic tasks,… Read more »

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Boat Accident Attorney

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Boat Accident Attorney - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers

Minnesotans love their boats, of course. There’s nothing much better than spending a beautiful day on the lake. Unfortunately, a boating accident can lead to severe injuries or worse. If that happens to you due to the negligence of someone else, you’ll need the help of an experienced attorney in order to have the best… Read more »

7 Types of Car Accident Liability Claims

7 Types of Car Accident Liability Claims - Sand Law LLC - Saint Paul Minneapolis Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident, you might automatically assume that it was solely the fault of the other driver. But car wrecks are often far more complex than this. Especially when it comes to determining who’s liable for your injury or property damage. A car accident attorney will consider several other potential… Read more »

Sexual Assault by Medical Providers

Sexual Assault by Medical Providers - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

There’s something that just seems particularly sinister about sexual assault by medical providers. When you go to see a doctor or another medical professional, you’re in a very vulnerable position. Anyone who takes advantage of that vulnerability for his or her own sexual pleasure needs to be punished to the full extent of the law,… Read more »

Jail Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Jail Sexual Assault Lawsuit - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Facing a charge of jail sexual assault (sexual assault is known as “criminal sexual conduct” in Minnesota) is obviously a serious problem. Any sort of sexual activity between a law enforcement or correctional facility officer and a detainee or inmate is illegal. It doesn’t matter whether or not the sex was consensual. Not only can… Read more »

Evidence in a Minnesota Dog Bite Case

Evidence in a Minnesota Dog Bite Case - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Dog Bite Injury Attorneys

Even though just about everybody loves dogs, there are too many instances where they don’t love us back. The consequences of a dog bit can be terrible, ranging from trauma to potential lifelong disabilities to even death. Victims of dog bites can often pursue compensation in the form of a lawsuit, which can help offset… Read more »

Child Sexual Abuse in Schools

Child Sexual Abuse in Schools - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Child Abuse Personal Injury Attorney

Any sort of child abuse is horrible, of course, but child sexual abuse in schools is particularly insidious. An innocent young person is being harmed by someone they trust – it could be a teacher, a coach, another student, or someone else. The mental and emotional damage can last for years. At Sand Law LLC, we work passionately to represent… Read more »

Benefits of Hiring a Wrongful Death Attorney

Benefits of Hiring a Wrongful Death Attorney - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers

Losing someone is always difficult. Filing a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a loved one can be even more stressful and hard to deal with. Our attorneys here at Sand Law know just how hard this process is for you. And we’re ready to fight for your right to the compensation you and your… Read more »

5 Common Types of Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Types of Car Accidents and How to Avoid Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyers

Each year in the United States, there are upwards of 35,000 fatalities because of car accidents. Most of these accidents are caused by distracted driving, drunk or drugged driving, inexperience, and general mistakes on behalf of one or more drivers. Because of this, almost all car accidents can be prevented with safe driving. There are… Read more »