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5 Types of Truck Accidents & How to Avoid Them

5 Types of Truck Accidents and How to Avoid Them - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

There are several types of truck accidents, and they can all have devastating results. Many of these accidents can be attributed to inexperienced drivers due to a trucking shortage, or negligence on the part of drivers as well as trucking companies and other parties. Whatever the cause of your accident, if you’ve been severely injured… Read more »

Types of Minnesota Car Accidents

Types of Minnesota Car Accidents - Sand Law LLC Personal Injury Attorneys

There are many different types of car accidents, of course – and all of them come with a risk of horrible injuries and tragic fatalities. Rear-end accidents, head-on collisions, rollovers and other kinds of wrecks kill hundreds of people each year in Minnesota, and injure thousands of others. People’s lives can change forever in a… Read more »

3 Strange Causes of Truck Accidents

3 Strange Causes of Truck Accidents - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorney

There are many different types of trucking accidents, and there are many causes as well – some are more mundane, while others fall into the “odd” category. But regardless of the cause, truck accidents are incredibly dangerous. In many instances, an accident involving a truck has far worse consequences as a collision between two cars…. Read more »

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Determined?

How Are Wrongful Death Settlements Determined - Sand Law LLC

If you’re considering filing a wrongful death lawsuit, you’ll obviously have a lot of questions. Not only is this a stressful time, it’s also a confusing time. You have no idea of what to expect, and that uncertainty is just making the confusion and stress even worse. The wrongful death attorneys with Sand Law can… Read more »

Shady Tactics Used by Car Insurance Companies After An Accident 

Shady Tactics Used by Car Insurance Companies After An Accident - Sand Law LLC

If you’ve suffered an injury in an accident – a car accident, a bicycle accident, a slip and fall, or anything else – you’re going to have to deal with the negligent party’s insurance company. To say this is a distasteful experience is putting it lightly. Most insurance companies are definitely not above employing some… Read more »

Is the Truck Driver Shortage Contributing to More Accidents?

Is the Truck Driver Shortage Causing More Accidents - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

If you’ve had problems finding items on your grocery store shelves, or your online deliveries aren’t arriving at your home as quickly as they did before, the nationwide shortage of truck drivers is largely to blame. But this problem is much more than an inconvenience – it’s playing a role in devastating truck accidents that… Read more »

Tips for Avoiding a Car Accident in the Winter

How to Avoid a Car Accident in the Winter - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Car accidents are always on the rise during wintertime. It’s just a fact of life in Minnesota. Whether this increase is due to newcomers who haven’t experienced winter weather before, or long-time residents not being as careful as they should on the road, the number of accidents always increases. Between 2016-2020, icy or snowy conditions… Read more »

How Refusing Medical Treatment Affects Your Personal Injury Claim

How Refusing Medical Treatment Affects Your Personal Injury Claim - Sand Law LLC Minnesota Attorneys

A lot of people who are involved in a car accident might feel some neck or back pain and not think it’s that serious. It’s not until a few days later they realize something is wrong, and finally get medical treatment. Whether you’ve been in a car accident, a motorcycle accident, or any other type… Read more »

Important Motorcycle Laws Everyone in Minnesota Should Know

Important Motorcycle Laws Everyone in Minnesota Should Know - Sand Law LLC Personal Injury Attorneys

Motorcycle accidents can lead to horrible injuries – and even worse. Even though technological advances are making motorcycles safer than ever before, bikers still get hurt far too frequently. Motorcycling can be an awesome experience. It’s not like driving a car – you don’t just sit on a bike, you become a part of the… Read more »

Can a Traffic Ticket Affect my Car Accident Claim?

Can a Traffic Ticket Affect my Car Accident Claim - Sand Law LLC - Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

A car accident can obviously lead to a lot of expense. You might lose wages because you’re too hurt to work, and you also might pile up huge medical bills. If you receive a ticket on top of that accident – even though you’re 100% certain the accident wasn’t your fault – you might assume… Read more »