Little Me Daycare Lawsuit Interview – Sand Law

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Little Me Daycare Lawsuit Interview – Sand Law

Saint Paul Personal Injury Lawyers Bring Lawsuit Against Daycare

Attorneys Bill Sand and Derek Thooft were recently interviewed by local news outlet KSTP.  In the interview, Sand and Thooft describe the recent filing of a civil action against Little Me Daycare on behalf of their client.  The Complaint alleges that their client endured physical and emotional trauma while attending the daycare.

The Complaint also lays about specific claims, including Battery, Negligent Supervision, Negligent Retention, & Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.

Click here to read the full article.

Physical Daycare Abuse

While children certainly have a lot of energy and boundless curiosity, they are also quite fragile. Children can sometimes sustain a terrible injury at the hands of abusive and neglective childcare workers. The most simple form of abuse that these children can undergo is physical abuse which despite its simplicity is no less damaging. There are a number of occasions where daycare workers have struck children sometimes even with blunt objects. Physical abuse can also mean malnourishment and also restraints used against children.

Sexual Abuse of Children at Daycare

There are people that specifically try to work at daycares because they predate on small children sexually. Children that are exposed to this abuse can be psychologically scarred for life. Sexual abuse of a child at daycare can be perpetuated by workers at the daycare and even non-employees. The emotional and mental trauma of being violated as a child has long-reaching implications and sexual abuse can also include physical injuries to the child since it can also include physical abuse as well as the transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

What are the Signs of Daycare Abuse?

Leaving your child in the care of someone else can sometimes be anxiety-inducing. Your child is your world and the thought of anything happening to them can drive a person mad yet daycares fulfill a very important function in a world of parents in need of childcare. Parents typically pride themselves on knowing their child and it is important that you be able to spot anything out of the ordinary especially when it may indicate that they were abused while they were at a daycare center. Here are some of the most common signs that your child may have been abused while at daycare.

  • Bleeding or bruising of the genitals
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Cuts or bruising around the wrists or ankles from restraints
  • Regression to behaviors a child has grown out of
  • Inappropriate sexual knowledge
  • Night terrors
  • Fear of the daycare or certain employees
  • Contraction of an STI
  • Flinching at sudden movement
  • Refusal to take off clothes for bathing or changing

Sand Law, LLC

The personal injury attorneys at Sand Law, LLC handle daycare abuse and daycare injury cases throughout the State of Minnesota. Contact us online or call us today at 651-291-7263 for a free consultation.