Causes Of Springtime Injuries
In the springtime, car crashes in Minnesota begin their yearly uptick. As the winter is rather brutal for Minnesotans, many more people tend to get on the roads when spring comes around. With more drivers on the road, more motor vehicle accidents can occur. As ice melts, roads may become slippery or slushy, causing drivers to skid or slide into other vehicles.
Drivers are less vigilante, as they believe the rougher months are behind them. On top of that, more slip and fall accidents can occur during this time also. Business owners may become less vigilante about parking lot hazards, including melting ice.
In general, with more people out and about, more accidents are bound to occur. If you’re injured in the springtime, you should contact a Minnesota personal injury attorney to discuss your claim.
Personal Injury Incidents Common In Spring
Various types of personal injury accidents are common in spring, with motor vehicle accidents at the fore-front. However, there are other types of accidents that may occur as well, such as slip and fall accidents and dog bite accidents. No matter which type of personal injury accident you’re involved in, a Sand Law attorney will be able to help you get the compensation you deserve for your case.
Car Accidents
Car accidents are on the rise starting in March each year. When the snow starts to melt, roads become more dangerous. Also, more and more people begin to travel, making the motor vehicle density much higher. More cars equal more crashes. Car accident fatalities begin their incline in March, only increasing each month until October.
In total, there are approximately 37,000 fatalities each year in the United States. However, there are also two million drivers that receive permanent injuries from a car accident each year.
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents begin to pick up as the weather gets nicer, simply because most people choose to put their bikes away for the winter months. Drivers get used to motorcyclists not being around. Oftentimes this can mean that they’ve become used to not looking out for motorcyclists on the road. Drivers must relearn how to occupy the road with motorcyclists.
Drivers may be more negligent during these months, not checking their blind spots as frequently, and generally not looking out for motorcyclists.
Motorcyclists may also get into more accidents because of the melting snow and ice. They may cause their own accidents or be struck by other vehicles who slid or skidded on melting ice.
Bicycle Accidents
The same is true of bicycle accidents. Drivers may not be used to the influx of cyclists on the road, causing them to be more negligent in their driving habits. Bicycle accidents most commonly occur in urban areas because motor vehicle drivers aren’t paying attention to those around them.
In 2019, there were 843 bicycle accident deaths in the United States. Most of those deaths occurred during the warmer months, such as June and July. Many are under the impression that accident rates go down after winter, but this is simply not true. They go up. Drivers and cyclists must be more cautious when driving in the warmer months.
Pedestrian Accidents
Most pedestrians walk through urban areas because they don’t have a car. In the winter months, more pedestrians opt for public transportation if they can afford it. When spring comes around, there are more people out and about walking as a necessity as well as people walking as a hobby or for exercise. With the increased amount of people on the road, more pedestrian accidents are bound to occur.
Slips And Falls
After a hard winter, melted snow and ice can reveal parking lot and sidewalk hazards. These hazards may be caused by ice, snow removal, or other factors. If business owners don’t repair their sidewalks and parking lots, people could become injured. This could make the business owners liable for the accident.
Slip and falls may also occur because of a business owners lack of vigilance. If they’re no longer clearing snow or ice away because they believe winter is over, someone could hurt themselves.
Dog Bites
With more people out and about (including dog owners), a dog bite is more likely to occur. If you’re injured by a dog on someone else’s property, you may be able to file a lawsuit for their negligence. Negligence can occur if they don’t have their dog properly trained, chained, or kept away from visitors, or even if they didn’t previously know that their dog was violent.
Hire A Personal Injury Attorney If You’re Injured By Someone Else’s Negligence
If you’re injured because of someone else’s negligence, you should contact a personal injury attorney to help you build your case. Injury attorneys are highly educated in personal injury law and will be able to offer you a free consultation to discuss your case. They’ll deal with the insurance company on your behalf and help to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve.
Hiring a personal injury attorney is a big decision. So make sure to do your research and find a law firm that has years of experience working on cases similar to yours. Sand Law has the experience and drive to make sure that your claim is successful. Our proven process has helped us secure proper compensation for victims of personal injury incidents. Our law firm will take care of your case and make sure that you’re left to focus on resting and recovering.
For more information or a free consultation, please contact us online, using our chat box, or by calling us at 651-291-7263.