Burn injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents are horrible. Not only are they excruciatingly painful, but they can also be fatal. Not only do victims have to deal with physical pain, but the emotional trauma they experience can also be just as bad. They also face astronomical medical bills and other financial burdens.
If you or a loved one is in this horrible situation due to the negligence of another motorist, you don’t deserve to have to face it alone. A car accident attorney with Sand Law can help you find justice and obtain the compensation needed to take care of your medical bills and all other accident-related expenses. We’ll be with you throughout the entire process, telling you exactly what to expect at all times. We’ll also fight tenaciously on your behalf to help you get what you deserve.
You can schedule a free consultation by giving us a call at 651-291-7263 or using our online contact form.
Causes Of Motor Vehicle Accident Burn Injuries
Vehicle accidents will typically result in a fire for one of three reasons, which we’ll outline below.
Mechanical Malfunction
Cars and trucks contain an incredible number of mechanical components – just about all of them can catch fire and lead to horrible results. A broken part, a leaking seal, or even an overheated engine can easily go up in flames, fueled by leaking fluids. When a vehicle already has mechanical issues and is involved in an accident, the risk of a fire can get even higher.
But there could also be some sort of manufacturer’s defect that can contribute to a fire, such as a bad battery, improper wiring, or a fuel tank that was negligently designed.
Electrical Malfunction
Vehicles also have extremely intricate wiring systems, any of which can ignite as well. Since the wiring system runs throughout the car or truck, a fire can start everywhere after a wreck. The risk is especially high in hybrid cars, which have extremely powerful batteries. Even a slight spark during an accident can cause the entire vehicle to burst into flames.
When two vehicles are involved in a violent collision, the impact can cause components to explode. This explosion occurs due to a scientific principle known as Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, or BLEVE. A vehicle contains a lot of different kinds of liquid, such as air conditioner refrigerant, oil, and, of course, fuel. If these liquids are heated in excess of their boiling point, BLEVE is a major risk.
Types Of Burn Injuries Caused By Motor Vehicle Accidents
The severity of a burn is measured in degrees. The more severe the burn, the higher the degree it’s assigned. The most common are first, second, and third-degree burns. Here’s a quick explanation of each.
- First-degree burns – If you were able to get out of an accident with just a first-degree burn, you should actually consider yourself incredibly fortunate. This burn slightly damages the skin’s outer layer or the epidermis. In the vast majority of instances, first-degree burns will heal on their own, with no need for medical treatment.
- Second-degree burns – These are burns that are much more painful because they extend deeper into the skin. They can also lead to potentially serious complications, such as infections.
- Third-degree burns – When it comes to burn injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents, they don’t get much worse than third-degree burns. They will destroy every layer of skin they affect, resulting in blackening and charring. The infection that often results can sometimes be fatal.
Chemical Vs. Electrical Burns
Motorists can suffer a burn even though no flames or explosions are involved. Exposure to chemicals can lead to severe burns, not only to the skin but also internally, if the fumes are inhaled. Electrical burns can travel throughout the body, resulting in severe damage to internal organs.
Side Effects Of Burn Injuries
The consequences of a burn injury can last a lifetime. Some of the effects include the following:
- Severe pain
- Permanent physical limitations
- Emotional issues
- Skin graft procedures
- Disfigurement and scarring
Just because someone doesn’t suffer what would be medically classified as a “severe” injury, that doesn’t mean they won’t be profoundly impacted. A person who, for instance, has burns to their face that result in disfigurement may be more emotionally affected than another person with severe leg burns.
Who’s Liable For My Burn Injuries?
There could be just one at-fault driver to blame for the injury you suffered, or there could be several liable parties. “Liable parties” means those who contributed to the accident and are therefore liable for helping pay for your financial losses. These are damages. You’ll be filing a lawsuit in order to recover those damages.
For example, the driver who hit you could have been driving drunk. They might have been driving recklessly because they were in a rage. There could have been a defective part to blame, and you could sue the manufacturer of that part.
If you were hit by a commercial truck, you might be able to take action against not only the truck driver but also the company that owns the truck, the company that loaded the truck’s trailer, and others.
Contact A Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney Asap
Regardless of which parties you file a lawsuit against, the only way you’ll win will be with the help of a skilled attorney who has experience in these kinds of cases. You’ll need hard evidence in order for your case to succeed, evidence that can only be gathered through a detailed investigation conducted by an attorney.
Your attorney will then use that proof to demand full and fair compensation on your behalf. They’ll be going up against serious opposition – insurance companies that will fight to keep from having to pay you a dime.
Sand Law has a team of attorneys with the skill, resources, and experience to help you obtain maximum compensation. Schedule a free case review by contacting us online or calling 651-291-7263.