How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You

There are many misconceptions that surround personal injury lawyers. What exactly do they do and how do they do it? Because of a lack of understanding about what personal injury attorneys do, many who could greatly benefit from an injury lawyer hesitate to hire one.

The prospect of hiring a personal injury attorney may seem a bit daunting or confusing. Many of those that need to hire a personal injury attorney are busy dealing with plenty of stress.

Injury victims have to deal with the physical stresses associated with their injuries. And the mental stress of how they will deal with everything else. And the financial stress of how they will pay for everything. On top of all this, they are afraid that every little thing they do may damage their injury claim.

Considering all these aspects, confusion is an expected response after a serious Minnesota car accident. Sand Law LLC understands these unique complications and is here to help.

Don’t be Afraid to Talk to an Attorney

One of the best things about many personal injury attorneys is that they are more than happy to speak with you to learn about your case without any obligation or fee. It is absolutely free to talk to a car accident attorney.

Even in the event that an attorney cannot help with your case, at the very least they will give you some valuable information about your situation. They can tell you how to advocate for your rights, help you to understand your options, and may refer you to another lawyer that can help you.

So, either way you end up, you are coming away with more knowledge than you had.

Should I speak to an attorney about my accident?

There are several signs that can indicate that you most definitely should consider talking to a personal injury attorney. Hiring a personal injury attorney, in this case, can be especially important when it comes to seeking compensation for your injuries. They could be the only ones able to get you the settlement that could help make your life all the easier when it comes to dealing with the damages incurred because of an accident.

You are Suffering From Permanent and Disabling Injuries

There are a number of people that end up suffering especially grievous injuries as a result of an accident. These injuries sometimes may be permanent and cause a form of disability to an individual. In this case, it is imperative that someone talk to a personal injury attorney. They can help by calculating the exact value of the damages that you have suffered and bring to light how costly those damages can actually be. You can greatly benefit from the expertise of a good personal injury attorney.

There are Multiple Parties Involved and it’s Not Clear Who is Liable

From time to time there are cases where it is not quite so obvious who exactly is liable for the injuries that someone sustained. For example, a car accident could occur where there are several vehicles involved and several different parties that may have contributed negligence and conflicting accounts of what happened. A personal injury attorney can be an immense help in situations like this. They can provide legal guidance and experience when it comes to determining liability for your damages. You would be surprised how many cases are brought forth to personal injury attorneys where there are actually more liable parties than an injured plaintiff may realize. Without an attorney to point this out, the injury victim could have left money on the table.

The Insurance Company is Refusing to Pay

In a perfect world, insurance companies would exist with the purpose of helping those that take out policies to the best of their abilities. Unfortunately, insurance companies are a for-profit industry where the bottom line is appeasing shareholders and ensuring that money is made. To do this, insurance companies have to pay out as little as possible to their customers. At times, these companies will resort to underhanded methods to minimize or deny claims. No matter what they may lead you to believe, the insurance company is not your friend. And they’re definitely not on your side. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you when dealing with insurance companies. Their presence alone can convey that you mean business when it comes to getting compensation. When an insurance company acts in bad faith and refuses to pay out on a policy, a personal injury attorney is often your best option.

Going to See a Personal Injury Lawyer for a Consultation

Seeing a lawyer about your case can be intimidating at times but there is really nothing to fear. A consultation is not an interrogation. You’re there simply to give some information on your case and feel out whether or not you feel comfortable utilizing the services of an attorney. You may even have to see several lawyers. In fact, it is recommended that you do. When you do see an attorney for a consultation there are several things you should do. First of all, make sure you do some homework. Make sure that the lawyer you’re seeing is the right kind of lawyer for your case. All lawyers are not the same. A divorce lawyer is likely not experienced to handle personal injury cases. Likewise, a personal injury attorney is likely not the right lawyer to handle criminal law. Also, make sure you have all the information and documentation relating to your case prepared beforehand. This will expedite the process of informing your attorney about the details of the accident and injuries.


If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident then you may be entitled to compensation. A liable party could be at fault for the accident that caused your injury through their negligent actions. Consider contacting Sand Law about how we can help you get the compensation that you need to pay medical bills and deal with lost wages. Our lawyers have years of experience in helping clients determine who is liable for their injuries and aggressively pursuing compensation for those with injuries that resulted from the negligent actions of others.

Contact Sand Law about a possible personal injury claim. You can also call us at 651-291-7263. We can provide you with a free case consultation to see how we can assist you in seeking compensation for your injuries. Your primary concern should be recovery. We understand that balancing that with an injury claim can be difficult. Allow us to represent you and help secure fair compensation while you heal.