There’s something that just seems particularly sinister about sexual assault by medical providers. When you go to see a doctor or another medical professional, you’re in a very vulnerable position. Anyone who takes advantage of that vulnerability for his or her own sexual pleasure needs to be punished to the full extent of the law, and to also be held accountable from a financial perspective.

At Sand Law, our attorneys have a great deal of experience helping people who were victimized by sexual assault committed by someone in the medical profession. This kind of case requires not only experience, but also a substantial amount of expertise.

We will be happy to let you know how we may be able to help you obtain compensation for damages arising from the predatory behavior of a doctor or any other medical personnel. Contact us online or call 651-291-7263 for a free consultation.

Types Of Sexual Assault Committed By Medical Providers

There are many forms of sexual assault a medical professional can commit. These are just a few of the more common ones.

It can be a very fine line between legitimate medical treatment and sexual abuse. Examinations will often include touching a patient’s private parts in order to diagnose a potential health issue. Here are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable medical behavior during an exam.

When A Medical Examination Becomes Inappropriate

The following are considered acceptable behavior during a medical examination:

These are some examples of unacceptable medical behavior.

Refusing to keep a patient informed regarding what needs to be done during the examination.

Settings Where Sexual Assault By A Medical Provider Occur

You might assume that a doctor’s office is the only place where medical sexual assault would take place. There are actually many others. These are just some of the places where medical sexual assault occurs:

One particularly disturbing area where medical sexual assault will often occur is a nursing home. Residents in nursing facilities are often incapacitated, and incredibly vulnerable to a sexual predator. People trust that these facilities will take the best possible care of their parents or loved ones. In far too many instances, the opposite is the truth.

Any patient in a nursing home can be subjected to sexual assault – gender often doesn’t make a difference. Women are far more likely to be subjected to this behavior, but it happens to men as well. To make matters even worse, victims of this kind of abuse will typically have no way to escape, or have any way to tell their children what happened.

What To Do After Suffering From Medical Sexual Assault

If you believe a medical professional has subjected you to sexual assault, there are several steps you can take to find justice.

The most important thing you can do, however, is to take care of yourself. You might tell everyone you’re fine, but you might be at risk of suffering severe psychological issues as a result of the attack. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a mental health expert.

Are Medical Professionals Held To An Ethical Standard?

The answer to this question is a resounding, “Yes.”

The AMA (American Medical Association) maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding inappropriate sexual behavior toward patients exhibited by anyone in the medical community. Not only is this type of behavior just plain unethical, it also damages the medical profession as a whole.

Why You Should Hire An Attorney To Argue Your Case

Sand Law attorneys always provide our clients with passionate representation. But when we hear of a doctor – or any other type of medical professional – sexually abusing a vulnerable patient, we get even more motivated to help.

This can be an extremely complex type of case, requiring special skills. We have those skills, and we will fight to help you obtain the compensation to which you are entitled. You focus on healing from your horrible experience. We’ll take care of the rest.

Get a free consultation by contacting Sand Law online or calling 651-291-7263.